Heres a shot of my set up 105 road triple derailer haven't used a mt derailer on the Silvio. Someone might know.I had to use the lowest holes on the derailer bracket. Jack
Good to hear your build has started.Be sure to post some pictures.I have over 7000 miles on mine with no problems.To check chain stay loosen everything connected to the chain stay then look at it it should be straight then tighten everything up. Jack
There might be a Silvio in your area just ask.I really like mine its the kind of bike thats exciting to ride, I act like a roadracer on the bike path with mine it takes corners like its on rails.I say go for it. Jack
I would go to a machine shop and find out what it would cost to have a 1 1/2 to 1 1/8 in stem adapter made. You can also buy a headset adapter and use 1 1/8 in forks. Jack
No problem my Silvio has a 11-32 with med cage Ultegra. You can just go to a long cage for the 11-34.The Silvio can be set up any way you want.Im even using touring bars and gripshift and it works just fine. Jack
If you look at the top tube on the Trek and the V2K the seat will be a lot lower on the V2k.Plus the Cruzbike frame will take larger wheels for sure. Jack
I would go with the 20 I have been riding mine almost every day and I'm not a slow rider. I ride in heavy traffic and do longer rides to 60 miles with no problem. Jack
Try to get your seat as low as possible like John said. I have Forte 1 1/8 city slicks on my Trek and they look a lot lower than your mt bike tires. Also rake the seat back at least 45 degrees, Jack