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  1. defjack

    found some extra power in the Silvio

    Its been there all along but I must be a slow learner.Just by pulling up on the peddles doing full circles with the crank im going faster and climing much better. Jack
  2. defjack

    Conversion Kit Assembly questions, fork adapter

    Once the chain and derailer is on just slide the axel back as far as it will go. If the chain hits the fork move the axel forward. Also make sure the wheel is straight. Jack
  3. defjack

    Conversion Kit Assembly questions, fork adapter

    That looks ok. Jack
  4. defjack

    Folding Bike Conversion

    I used a standard road double 165, 52 ,39 and it worked just fine on my Downtube conversion. Jack
  5. defjack

    Folding Bike Conversion

    Can you get Downtubes? The Downtube full suspension works pretty good. The Giant Halfway has a 1/2fork in front so would not work with the kit bike as you need a full fork. Jack
  6. defjack

    Maria's next record attempt

    What a ride!!!!! Jack
  7. defjack

    Trek Y26 pic

    I think its the higher arm position.its also easy to pull on the bars from that position for starting off and hills. Jack
  8. defjack

    Trek Y26 pic

    No shoulder pain.
  9. defjack

    Trek Y26 pic

    Here is bike with cruiser bars I really like the low hand position. Jack
  10. defjack

    Cannondale Super V 800 conversion

    I would say no. The 1.5 in headset is the main problem.Stick with a 1 1/8 in fork. Jack
  11. defjack


    Just weighed the bike 44lbs. On fairly flat ground speed is close to Silvio 14-18mph even bursts to 24mph. With some hills I would rather be on the Silvio. Jack
  12. defjack

    Downtube Donor Question

    A few more things to consider.The Downtube is low to the ground so you can through it around corners like a Silvio,weight is ok.The speed for me was about 1-2 mph slower but not that big of a deal. Jack
  13. defjack

    Downtube Donor Question

    I did a no suspension Downtube and it was a fun bike.The full suspension bikes have a longer wheelbase so will work a little better.The Downtube was also easy to convert.If you want 20 in wheels go for it.I just like to go a little faster with the 26 in wheels. Jack
  14. defjack

    I just got beat up on the internet.

    Buyagain how is the suspension on that bike?I might have missed your road test. I never listen to those so called experts. Jack
  15. defjack

    24" vs. 26" Donor

    All my bikes have been 26in except for the 20in. folder.Look for small frames 15-16in. 17 is more of a med. Jack
  16. defjack

    Just bought the kit...have a few questions

    You get a better ride with full suspension but a hard tail will work ok.Try to keep the seat under 25 in. over is too high lower is ok. I ride in heavy traffic and twisty sandy bike paths with no traction problems. Jack
  17. defjack

    I'm joining you as a likely Silvio owner

    I would not do it.I use a triple and a 11- 32 and dont have a lot of gears that are not used. Just my opion. Jack
  18. defjack

    How to get a light weight donor.

    The Y -26 is a heavy bike dont have a scale. Anyway I get a nice smooth ride and its plenty fast for me.My build #7 frame weighed 4 lbs but weighed 39lbs with the old steel kit.It would be around 37lbs with a new kit. You could also get the weight down with a super $$$$$$$$ light weight mt bike...
  19. defjack

    Cruzbike vs. Linear

    What happened is my foot got caught in the derailler cable which was no fun. Its an easy fix to get the cable out of the way. Jack
  20. defjack

    Cruzbike vs. Linear

    Intresting report. The front derailler cable is a long one so I cable tie it to the front fork. Dont ask how I know. Jack