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  1. defjack

    Wald touring bars

    Heres a few pictures.Im still playing around with the bars but I really like it with the bars rotated up.Did around 40 miles today with no shoulder pain at all and the bike is just as fast .
  2. defjack

    2009 SILVIO---

    Re: 2009 SILVIO Grip shift works just fine on the Silvio all it needs is some 10$ Wald touring bars. Jack
  3. defjack

    Trek Y-11 (circa 1994)

    I think the bikes are easier to ride clipless so dont bother with platforms.For the bars try cruiser or touring you get mich more adjustmet range.I like my bars behind my knees. Just keep riding it ges much easierand post a few pictures. Jack
  4. defjack

    Malvern Conversion

    Touring bars are a good choice.I just put some 8075 Wald 22 in. bars on the Silvio and they are just right. Jack
  5. defjack

    building a bike around an older kit

    Looks good.The B37 bar is a good choice you get a lot more adjustmet than with road bars. Jack
  6. defjack

    TREK Antelope 820

    You might be able to use theTrek. If you cant post a picture just measure the top tube 8 inches from the seat if its over 27inches from the ground find a better frame. I did one TrekGiant hardtail and it was ok. Check out page 2 of the conversion brag board =Cruzbike Giant crusier bars #2. Jack
  7. defjack

    TREK Antelope 820

    Top tube would be Too high Y frames work much better. You should buy the Cruzbike frame and kit use the Trek wheels and drive train.A little more $ but you would be getting a nice bike. Jack
  8. defjack

    Univega Cruzbike finally complete

    With the bars you can go either way.My cruiser bars are about 4-5in behind my knees on both the conversion and Silvio.If anyone wants to see I can post some pictures. Jack
  9. defjack

    Univega Cruzbike finally complete

    How slow is your bike? I built up a steel Huffy like that and had no problem riding 17 MPH on the road or bike path. think you are loosing a lot of power with the bars so high.Get your bars away from your knees and you dont need the extension. An way used kits are going fast for 250. Jack
  10. defjack

    Cannondale Headshok Conversion

    Yes that would work.You will also need 1 1/8in forks and a headset. Jack
  11. defjack

    Possible donor?

    It looks ok 150 is a good price.The top tube area by the seat is a little short so mounting the seat will need some extra work.You see what kind of price you could get on the Schwinn Sierra DS mens comfort. That bike is right on for a hard tail. Jack
  12. defjack

    Malvern Conversion

    If you mean the crank bolts its 8mm.
  13. defjack

    Malvern Conversion

    Sounds like you got the wrong adapter.The kit takes a 1 1/8th in. for the steering mast.You need a 28mm or use a sleeve.. Jack
  14. defjack

    Disk Brake Mount Interfering with FWD Bracket

    Just cut the tabs off.I had the same problem with the Y-26. Jack
  15. defjack

    Great looking bike, a few questions please..

    20 in tires work ok with the the kit now.You just use 20 in forks. Jack
  16. defjack

    happy new year!

    Happy new year also.I started my new year right with a 20 mi.ride on the Silvio. Jack
  17. defjack

    I dread the pedal steer

    Were you using clipless pedals and pedaling 360? It really helps.I tried to get some pedal steer on my Silvio today and could not do it.I do have 153 cranks and wide bars. Jack
  18. defjack

    Borrego Springs Century

    Nice report Tom. Team Silvio should do a ride soon. Jack
  19. defjack

    Component advice requested

    This is what I did.The bars dont slip at all. Jack
  20. defjack

    Component advice requested

    You could use a Rans B39 bar but you will still have to shim it or use a short mt. bike stem. The Silvio stem works great on road bike bars but mt bikes have a narrower clamping area.So you have 2 choices for using mt type bars. New stem or shim the bar.With a stem you will need a 1 1/8 stem and...