Hmmm. Interesting. I am also not using any spacers and using the normal chain stay and have a top tube angle similar to that in the picture above. I could lower the angle a little more by cutting the steering tube, but have been too chicken to do that, since I am not sure if there is much benefit in doing so. I wanted the angle as flat as possible for better visibility over the handle bars. I am 5'8" and have the slider set at the 6 1/4 mark. Maybe my set up is incorrect? That just seams like such a huge difference.
I am toying with getting a shorter chain stay because there have been a number comments in this forum indicating that improves handling. My balance is much better now, to the point that I will go full tilt down hill if the road is straight, otherwise, I need to brake to stay upright. Hit 42 mph today. Everything will be fine, then for no apparent reason, the "V" will depart from my intended course line, resulting in a great deal of panic as I try to regain control and stay upright. Sometimes I wonder if this is what a cowboy feels like breaking a wild horse, you just never know when it will rear, roll, or try to scrape you off against a tree. Or maybe I am just a hopeless klutz.