It rains a lot out here on the "Wet Coast", especially in winter. When it does, and I want to ride my present "stand-up" bike, I put on my plastic rain poncho and drape the front part over the handlebars, and go around like a little tent on wheels, and (with my front fender) still keep my feet dry. That doesn't seem possible with Cruzbike Sofriders etc as shown - looks like the front edge of any draped poncho would get caught & frayed by the chainwheel, or simply not hold and be blown back up the legs, exposing my poor feet to the elements. For various reasons, I don't want to bother with a big fairing like the Streamer ( - does anyone know of any precedent where the front edge of a poncho could drape or clip somewhere onto a front rack or other forward projection (whose very front end could also bear a headlamp that would not be covered by the poncho)?