what you need to know...
Ivan if you decide to do it here are the hidden things I didn't show, because they were too ugly for anything but a prototype. I was planning refining this when I do the second set and then show the cleaner way. However, I believe they are repeatable prototype that you could attempt as they are minor items and if polished it's not a far trip to a production item.
1) When you cut the bend off the bar is just a tad short at least for me; you hieght and boom angle may mitigated that.
2) The brifter clamp is mounted right at the end of the bar with only about 3mm of pipe sticking out; don't worry it is solid and isn't coming off I hung from the ceiling on mine to test and did chin ups... (ok I did two, but I'm out of shape).... Since the hood does not get torqued like it would riding on the hoods it should be fine.
3) A hard plastic/rubber pluming tube that just fits inside the bar is inserted in the end by the brifter and then cut at a 60 degree angle to complete the contour up to the rest of the plastic brifter housing. This is necessary to get a good wrap and to reinforce the housing for the torque it does infact take take. I got the pipe from home depot.
this is the stuff just the wrong diameter. cost is like $1.50. I insert about 4 inches for stability.
4) A soft rubber bar end plug is cut and shaped to go into the end of that plastic pipe/tube to close the end.
5) items 3 and 4 are glued into the pipe if loose; I just use super glue for the test.
6) Wrapping with cork tape that can stretch so you can get a smooth wrap.
Thee wrapping; that's an outright pain. I will admit that it took me an ENTIRE day of staring at it to get a narrow wrap that didn't swell the grips. I must have tried 20-30 combinations; however I did figure it out. The plan is to road test it; if it pans out; I will video tape myself unwrapping it. Then we can play the video in reverse for instructions on how to get a tight and narrow wrap.
Custom made bars would be polished by:
1) A slightly longer reach. with cut down marks for shorter people just like regular bars have.
2) a premade rubber plug to put into the end of the bar to hold the tape to begin the wrap.
3) thinner bar tape; I used the cork that came with the Silvio. I think the next mil thicknes down would work better.