Peder Torgersen
I got a package today and there were several titanium chains.
They seem to be light have not tried these chains before.
Have some of you used these chains?
Best lube is the one that you will actually use.
Not bad idea, actually. Just make sure you don't use too much oil or you'll end up with a sticky messMy favorite is beeswax and olive oil...smells good and is edible.
1. 'Speed wax' is a ripoff. It works, of course, but still ripoff. (But if you ignore the instructions and reuse it indefinitely like it is supposed to - it is less of a ripoff).
2. Titanium chains are also a huge ripoff, but at least you do get some weight savings (rather insignificant, though).
Anyway, my corrent concoction for waxing consists of paraffin, lanolin, beeswax, carnauba wax + oil antifriction additives.
Easily 10x times more chain live compared to wet lubes, cheaper than 'Speed wax', works for hundreds of miles, resists mud and rain (to a point, of course).
I'll be improving it further, adding polymer esters, ZDDP and polyethylene wax sounds very promising.
I'd be curious to hear how to go about measuring and mixing said concoction. I'm bouncing around the idea of trying the waxing chain deal in my current down time. It would also help me keep any chain oil from landing on my nearly white carpet.
He's the million dollar question. It seems most people recommend re waxing the chain every 400 miles but is near the limit or a very reserved number? The reason I ask is in November I plan to get close to 520 miles in the 24hr race and I'm wondering if a single freshly waxed chain would be better then a clean freshly oil lubed chain that I can touch up at the 12hr mark. You can't touch up the wax chain during 30 second pit stop so what you start with is what you get till the end.
To start should I just buy some paraffin wax off amazon? Seems most the stuff is marketed as salon type paraffin but I'm thinking it's all the same? Or should I be looking for a certain kind of paraffin? Other option is to buy the over priced speed wax to start while I learn from you how to make something better.
I plan to just use the KMC X11SL chains in ether gold or silver.
What about having a freshly waxed chain waiting for you at the stop. With a quick disconnect and a good mechanic it doesn't take long to swap !
Jason go back to First page of thread. Larry rides over 1000 on a single waxed chain. I do the same here in Texas. Used to wax once a month now wait until I hear squeaking usually very 2 or 3 months. A single 24 hour ride with a new waxed chain you will be fine. Unless of course it's snowing!That is an option I thought of but not one I want to resort too.
It has been my experience that the only thing that will prevent you from getting less than 500 miles on a newly waxed chains is riding in excessive dirty or wet conditions.Jason go back to First page of thread. Larry rides over 1000 on a single waxed chain. I do the same here in Texas. Used to wax once a month now wait until I hear squeaking usually very 2 or 3 months. A single 24 hour ride with a new waxed chain you will be fine. Unless of course it's snowing!
I'd be curious to hear how to go about measuring and mixing said concoction. I'm bouncing around the idea of trying the waxing chain deal in my current down time. It would also help me keep any chain oil from landing on my nearly white carpet.
He's the million dollar question. It seems most people recommend re waxing the chain every 400 miles but is near the limit or a very reserved number? The reason I ask is in November I plan to get close to 520 miles in the 24hr race and I'm wondering if a single freshly waxed chain would be better then a clean freshly oil lubed chain that I can touch up at the 12hr mark. You can't touch up the wax chain during 30 second pit stop so what you start with is what you get till the end.
To start should I just buy some paraffin wax off amazon? Seems most the stuff is marketed as salon type paraffin but I'm thinking it's all the same? Or should I be looking for a certain kind of paraffin? Other option is to buy the over priced speed wax to start while I learn from you how to make something better.
I plan to just use the KMC X11SL chains in ether gold or silver.
why at "least" 300 miles? is that to wear off any rough manufacturing defects?
can you use the ultra sonic cleaner and simple green to clean off the chain back to square one after it's already been waxed and used?
I'd be curious to hear how to go about measuring and mixing said concoction. I'm bouncing around the idea of trying the waxing chain deal in my current down time. It would also help me keep any chain oil from landing on my nearly white carpet.
He's the million dollar question. It seems most people recommend re waxing the chain every 400 miles but is near the limit or a very reserved number? The reason I ask is in November I plan to get close to 520 miles in the 24hr race and I'm wondering if a single freshly waxed chain would be better then a clean freshly oil lubed chain that I can touch up at the 12hr mark. You can't touch up the wax chain during 30 second pit stop so what you start with is what you get till the end.
To start should I just buy some paraffin wax off amazon? Seems most the stuff is marketed as salon type paraffin but I'm thinking it's all the same? Or should I be looking for a certain kind of paraffin? Other option is to buy the over priced speed wax to start while I learn from you how to make something better.
I plan to just use the KMC X11SL chains in ether gold or silver.