Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
The Team Sky Nutritionist James Morton mentioned in a video when his riders are right on the money when their muscles can burn both carbs and fat. Seems this is a bit counter to the Keto theory and just adds more confusion. I think Team Sky is simply putting out BS but seriously what do I know?
Traditional base training trains you to burn fat; you have to build that aerobic base first.
Interval training teachs you to stack glucose burning on top of the fat burning; you train this second.
You can base train forever; daily just like doing sit-ups; only the boredom can kill you; great for watching TV on your coach made out of that old silvio.
Interval training you have to periodize and seasonalize or you break down and get sick if you over train.
The big and broader your aerobic base the taller you can build your glucose anaerobic abilities.
On race day you gotta burn both; the bigger the aerobic base the longer or faster you can go anaerobic.
With the big race guys they've always done the base stuff; they have just been notoriously sloppy on diets
Ulrich, Petone always had to ride themselves into shape and could only do well at 1 or 2 big events each season
There are a few Keto-ish guys on the tour but they eat a lot of carbs by keto standards, just the good carbs.
Zabriskie was going to be a good story but he got injured in an crash and is likely done for his career now.
On the other side of the coin is Ultra. as Ultra gets over 24 hours the anaerobic becomes less and less important; different sport.
Oh and watch out for the motorcyles on the mountains.