Just a taste


Zen MBB Master
Someone had to try bar ends.I think they stil might work.Lookng forward to your road test. Jack

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
defjack wrote: Someone had to try bar ends.I think they stil might work.Lookng forward to your road test. Jack

They would definitely work, with Paul Thumbies.

Tops of my STI hoods are 1/2" higher than the tips of my WTB bars
You have two options, you can slide the STI levers up higher, or you can rotate the WTB bar, both options raise the levers and give you better clearance. Also bringing the handlebar towards you more will also lift the cables up.
On the WTB bars when looking at the clamping sleeve of the silvio I can see the bulleyes just below center. (Thats the orientation of the bars to the bike). This results on hand clamping surface of the bars to be nearly vertical, maybe a 3-5% rake.

Nanda H.

Active Member
Brian Lewis wrote: Tops of my STI hoods are 1/2" higher ....

Thanks for the details Brian. I figured the bars would have to come up a bit or the levers or both, but at least when I have it set lower with enough clearance and good ergo's the cables would be an issue. I saw on touring bike that curved the shifter cable back towards the bars and bar taped them down and thought that might be another solution...but. When I do another Silvio build it'll be for SRAM Rival or Force, but I'll give the Ultegra/XT step a fair shake first.

Nanda H.

Active Member
Finally got the inline adjusters installed. Been busy with some recent crank forward and regular bent sales. Last weekend Peter and I built up his Silvio with a Lemond Tourlamet donor bike and some new parts, and got the build completed start to finish in around 4-5hrs, while assisting a demo customer try out the Ultegra kitted Silvio.

Peter's Silvio in progress:


Peter's first lap on his new Silvio:


Marshall the demo customer took to the Silvio very quickly. He also rides a unicycle and must have a 7th sense about balance :lol:

Tonight I'll actually do my first virgin road miles and make the fine adjustments before letting Marshall rent the Silvio for a week long demo. Just when I get a chance to get a ride it, I have to pass it over to a anxious demo customer...but it's for a good cause eh :D

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Marshall looks pretty darned comfortable; look at him leaning into the turn like an old pro!



Mark B wrote: Marshall looks pretty darned comfortable; look at him leaning into the turn like an old pro!
Peter's pretty comfortable, too! Will share details a bit later, but went all out today on my Silvio down a hill that usually takes my Stratus up to 42-43mph. The Silvio's not quite as aero, but I'm guessing I was mid 30's with a good hard dogleg at the bottom. I'm not one with the bike just yet, but after 7 hours I'm guessing I'm about 7/8 with it. Yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.