Finally got the inline adjusters installed. Been busy with some recent crank forward and regular bent sales. Last weekend Peter and I built up his Silvio with a Lemond Tourlamet donor bike and some new parts, and got the build completed start to finish in around 4-5hrs, while assisting a demo customer try out the Ultegra kitted Silvio.
Peter's Silvio in progress:
Peter's first lap on his new Silvio:
Marshall the demo customer took to the Silvio very quickly. He also rides a unicycle and must have a 7th sense about balance :lol:
Tonight I'll actually do my first virgin road miles and make the fine adjustments before letting Marshall rent the Silvio for a week long demo. Just when I get a chance to get a ride it, I have to pass it over to a anxious demo customer...but it's for a good cause eh