Salt buggers the zip.
I use a small amount of grease on the zippers. Definitely makes them easier to use and doesn't allow for the collection of salt.
With the $ he saves from regenerative genital medical attention he could go to a company we know and buy an ergonomically superior seat that comes with the fastest road bike. I’m sure @DocS would help him learn the basics until he started competing at least.
I've offered
I think it would be easier to learn on an S40 than on the Vendetta.
When I had the stock Cruzbike Seat and Ventist Pad, I used Top Tub bags under my seat. I had one on each side. It allowed for a lot of storage!
When I changed to the Carbon Fiber Thor seat, I mounted an AngleTech bag (Complements of our famous Larry) to the back of the seat.
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