So I have been practicing in the parking lot for about 2 months now and felt confident enough to take my Q to The American Tobacco Trail in North Carolina. My goal was not to take down other cyclist,injure and maim walkers,scare little children or ride off the side of the trail pin balling trees as I tumbled down the steep embankment. So how did it go your probably wondering ....and thank you for asking! I feel it went quite well as I was able to ride 12 miles while doing reasonably ok on my stops and starts at road crossings and maintaining my balance. My one issue and I'm guessing this will go away after getting some miles in was not being able to ride a straight line down the trail. I was all over the place weaving left and right and several times I had to confirm to other trail users I was not drunk just learning to ride my new bike. After it was all over I was somewhat tired a little sore but very satisfied with my success. For now I only have time to ride on the week ends or holidays when I'm off work but I am encouraged and confident I will get better and one day ride a straight line! Any thoughts or advice?