Gotta agree with #11 and #13 giving up the curb hop means I had to give up riding on sidewalks and live in fear of street potholes and drain grates. At my most obese 285# I got kmart hy-bred and tried to hop a curb like my 14 -16 year self did. Lucky all I got was a bent wheel and bruises.
too old for backpacks but I miss my childhood front end basket for the toss n go stuff. (mmm note to self : add rack and rear basket)
12 ???? no downhills in my life. do you move forward off the saddle and sag as low as the cross bar allows for lower center of gravity, or do you give up the aero position to sit up high still pedal and get a better view of the road ??
14.ohhh ohhh non serious playtime with animal images.
Cruzbike areo, I see a sea otter shape. floating on its back. head up looking past its navel.
Df areo ... I see a turtle shape . neck up, shoulders down, arms tucked, body in a sloping ball to the hips that are the same level as the shoulders.
One df thing I do miss : pedal like crazy to loose patch of grit, lock up that coaster brake, and stand up while the rear wheel kicks out to the side. Think I would soil my undies and crash on my cruzbike.
Later,,, bye