Woke up this morning to wet roads and a light drizzle. Perfect weather for our first ride in the neighborhood.
Out the driveway and through the first roller. Too high a gear on that first hill. Walk to the crest and downshift on the downhill side. Did a few circuits of the end loop changing tempo, practicing hills and basic shifting. Worked on varying my position and relaxing into a full recline on both the uphill and downhill segment of the loop.
Few observations:
1. Look at the horizon, not the pedals.
2. Relax. This bike is well designed. Trust that she will take care of you if you ride her as she was designed to be ridden.
3. If things are a bit dodgy, sit up and coast. Take it easy. No harm in looking like a neophyte. I am a neophyte on the FWD MBB.
4. And for Charles we have proof.