Not an expert
After looking at the Quest paint job, I would assume that the paint is a multi-layer process with a white basecoat and a semi-transparent or candy pearl colour overlay. The orange colour might be best matched using Testor's model enamels. With patience, you should be able to get a repair that looks good and would be virtually undetectable except unfer close scruitiny.
Better yet, these marks and blemishes that appear on our Cruzbikes tell the story of its journey. Maybe consider a technique from the Japanese art of Kintsugi, the art of repairing porecelain with a gold-infused lacquer resin. Maybe instead of hiding the blemish, it should be highlighted and celebrated as part of the bike's history.
Or you could also go with the "it's a tool, not a jewel" mindset. There's nothing wrong with that.