Another great Race the Lake occurred last Sunday. We had 4 Cruzbikers this year!!!! Race had lots of crashes and alot of mechanical breakdowns versus past years. I have crashed a few times on my v20 due to accidently locking brakes up on a curve in slippery conditions because i didnt realize how fast i was going but the way up righters crash is very dangerous. Seeing all the bloody faces was nasty. One of the unheralded advantages of riding a cruzbike is the safety aspect. I know i can handle pot-holes and swerves way better than up righters and once i get the new v20c with the wider tires i know i will be able to handle crushed limestone better as well. On a bad note i had 2 flat tires during the race which really hurt my official time. Cant wait for next year because i am upgrading to tubeless. My official ride time was worse than last year due to the 2 breakdowns but my real time of riding my bike was 15 minutes faster then last year at 4 hours and 30 minutes. Gonna work a bit harder this year to get down to 4 hours and 15 minutes and hopefully recruit more cruzbikers so we can have our own wave.