Silvio Colors!


Active Member
Does the Silvio come in anything other than basic black.....I know that black is the new black, but.........


Well-Known Member
Hi Brewmaster,

Well it used to be available in white; but it still has black forks.This is one of the original "pilot run" and I ticked the "white" frame colour.

There is also another picture of the bike in it's initial build at the following link. (It now has Gary Origin 8 bars and more of the usual bits and pieces to make it practical; eg bottle cages, pump, bike computer, cadence meter and whatever.)
Re: Calling out White Silvio

And there is a "yellow frame" which I have seen in a video, being ridden. The original of this picture can be seen on the Silvio page of the Cruzbike site.



I don't know if other colours are available. You'd have to enquire with Cruzbike.

You could always have it resprayed in whatever colours and designs you like. I guess you can have anything with enough money!! Or if you have the talent to respray!!
I think it would lend itself to some quite striking designs: let your imagination roll.


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Like Henry Ford said, "You can have it in any color you like, so long as it's black!"



I'm considering having my new Cruzbike powdercoated. Recently my colleague at work had his aluminum MTB frame coated at the company that does our security bikes and the finish is incredible for a reasonable price. Currently my bicycle bug has bitten me hard and I've invested in two new bikes, the Silvio and a Surly Steamroller frame. For $150 I can get the Surly powdercoated candy burgundy, a three stage process with a base coat of chrome and two coats of transparent burgundy. The sample piece they had was incredible to see... like looking in the eyes of your sweetest sweetheart.

If I decide to go this route, could someone from Cruzbike suggest important information regarding the process for the powdercoater? Of course the carbo-stays would not be finished, but what other limitations should I be aware of? Any particular masking requirements and such?

Pointer Sisters: I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
VeloLEV wrote: I'm considering having my new Cruzbike powdercoated. Recently my colleague at work had his aluminum MTB frame coated at the company that does our security bikes and the finish is incredible for a reasonable price. Currently my bicycle bug has bitten me hard and I've invested in two new bikes, the Silvio and a Surly Steamroller frame. For $150 I can get the Surly powdercoated candy burgundy, a three stage process with a base coat of chrome and two coats of transparent burgundy. The sample piece they had was incredible to see... like looking in the eyes of your sweetest sweetheart.

If I decide to go this route, could someone from Cruzbike suggest important information regarding the process for the powdercoater? Of course the carbo-stays would not be finished, but what other limitations should I be aware of? Any particular masking requirements and such?

Pointer Sisters: I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!

I'd probably leave the fork as is... Not sure how big of deal it would be to disassemble and not too sure I want to find out!



Zen MBB Master
Masked areas? Photograph the frame and note all the areas which are left bare from the factory. Give copies to your frame painter and all should be well.

Knowing nothing about the front fork, I would really only worry about getting the plastic/elastomers/o-rings off due to the heat involved in the powdercoating process (and, of course, masking again).

Too bad you can't have different colors from the factory. At the Silvio pricepoint, you'd think several color options would be available. However, small production volume is always a problem. People want their stuff *NOW* rather than "after your custom paint job is placed on the next boat departing Taiwan".

If you're not happy with black, I think your plan is the best bet. I love the idea of candy-burgundy.

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
All mating surfaces need to be masked, as some tolerances are affected by paint thickness.

I would not heat the fork, nor can it be disassembled outside Taiwan.

We explored offering other colours in our small production run, but people are then disappointed if their dream colour is not available. Everyone is far happier knowing that black is the Silvio colour.

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
johntolhurst wrote: All mating surfaces need to be masked, as some tolerances are affected by paint thickness.

I would not heat the fork, nor can it be disassembled outside Taiwan.

We explored offering other colours in our small production run, but people are then disappointed if their dream colour is not available. Everyone is far happier knowing that black is the Silvio colour.

Additional clarity on heating the fork... as I remember the powdercoat melt/cure heating process can touch 400F. The air chamber in the shock assembly for the the front fork won't survive the heat and isn't designed to be easily removable...

Welcome to our merry band, by the way...



Thank you for the information. I suspected the fork could not be done, but no matter. The seat and frame will look nice by themselves, if the photo of the white Silvio is any indication. I think the candy red will make the Silvio faster. Indeed.

Gosh, it takes forever to get this thing, doesn't it?


Zen MBB Master
johntolhurst wrote: ...nor can it be disassembled outside Taiwan.
Oh, my. That doesn't sound good at all. -1 for Silvio. I really dislike "non-user-serviceable" components. Is this merely a warrantee issue or is it actually mechanically unfeasible (like brazed/welded)? What happens in 10 yrs (or 30 or 50) when it will no longer hold air or the elastomers have crumbled away?

Quote: We explored offering other colours in our small production run, but people are then disappointed if their dream colour is not available. Everyone is far happier knowing that black is the Silvio colour.
I certainly agree with that thinking, esp. at your production volumes. If you were making monthly container shipments, I'd look for some colors. Optima did that some years ago and now buyers pay premiums for used Barons in lesser-seen colors. Mine's Blue...and blue is one of those "premium" colors people want. :mrgreen:

BTW, back when I was a kid I had a globe. As I recall, Perth is within about 200mi of being perfectly opposite Huntsville, AL. That's a long bike ride!


I went to the powdercoater last Thursday to pick up the Surly frame and fork. The finish was better than I expected and worth the price. I brought my Silvio frame along to show him and get a quote. The main frame, seat stay, main boom, all the clamps and the dropouts in a one-coat single colour for $200 was his offer. I figure the 3-coat process adds about 20% so figure $240. Metallics are cheaper than multiple coats of transparent over a base coat so you have many options. I chose a maroon colour for the Surly, layering trans-red over black chrome. I think for the Silvio I'll do a traditional red over bright chrome candy apple.

Is there a decal set or print file available to re-apply graphics to the frame after customizing?


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
Hi VeloLEV,
I have adobe illustrator files of the Silvio decals, I won't post them, but don't mind passing them to you for this job.


Now that I am certain I will be keeping (and LOVING) my new Silvio, the option to add more color is becoming very likely. Originally, I thought coloring as much as possible of all the parts would be the plan. After seeing WhiteSilvio's beautiful ride and thinking about the scheme overall, I believe the best option is a more minimalist approach. Considering the extra effort required to paint and match the fork to the powdercoated parts makes me less interested in taking those steps. Instead I'm thinking of leaving the fork, all parts of the steering/drive system and the rear triangle black. Just the frame will be powdercoated. This should make it faster and less expensive a job as well.

Fooling around with Photoshop last night I created this image to show my concept of how the bike might look:


Click here to see the whole thing: [URL=' class="bb-url">[/URL]

Keep in mind the frame is black, so to color it I had to increase the contrast as well as lighten it slightly. The finished product will have much more depth of color and may match the tires more readily. Should you be interested in seeing another color, just mention it here and I'll try it for you to see.


Zen MBB Master
Oooooh, nice!

I would do mine in metallic Blue (like, an electric blue). I have been looking at Velocity "Deep V" rims which are available in a wide variety of colors (and patterns as well). I'm probably the world's worst regarding color I would have to consult someone (like my wife) to pick out colors.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
I'd like to see that in turd-murkley orchid with a flourescent chartreuse racing stripe. :lol: :lol:



Zen MBB Master

I lean more towards gray.
Dappled gray would be very nice.
Urban camo....
Hey, on a bike I'm invisible ANYway!

Seriously though, nice: your bike'll
look awesome.



Active Member
Say it with a smile, clenched teeth and your best upper crust East coast accent.....British Racing Green.....right Muffy?

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Brewmaster wrote: Say it with a smile, clenched teeth and your best upper crust East coast accent.....British Racing Green.....right Muffy?

:lol: :lol: :shock: :lol: :lol:



trapdoor2 wrote: metallic Blue (like, an electric blue)
This one is much like my first try, just blue. A little lighter and with more contrast.

Mark B wrote: turd-murkley orchid with a flourescent chartreuse racing stripe
A Doozy! Orchid is usually light purple, so i cut the contrast and lightened it and to make it turd-murkley I lowered the saturation. The stripe is the web-chartreuse which is 50/50 green and yellow, and happens to compliment purple well.

yakmurph wrote: gray
This one is tough to get right. I tried some downloaded camo for texture but gave up after a few tries. :(

Brewmaster wrote: British Racing Green
I was so close to buying a BRG Miata in New Mexico. Instead my girlfriend of the time talked me into a Marina Green Mica instead.
This one is hard too.

Should someone decide to do a grey Silvio it would be great for using as a color model for this Photoshop process. I'm getting more excited thinking about getting mine done. After tonight's ride home from class in sub-zero C temps I may prefer not riding for a week.


Zen MBB Master
Way cool.

Yep, I like the blue...but something other than white lettering. Perhaps Gold...Go NAVY! :D Esp. with the blue, the black fork and TFT look good, I think the rear support tube ought to be blue too though. Gold pinstriping, naturally.

I am fond of chartreuse and had a '66 VW "fastback" painted AMC "Big Bad Green". Was hard to look at in strong sunlight.

BRG should never have been available on the Miata. It's a crime, I tell ya. If it isn't a LBC (Little British Car), BRG don't belong. Make mine a '65 XKE, please. :cool:

Miata's are only comfortable in their native 'fast oxidation' red. ;) If the outside mirrors aren't showing white haven't had it outdoors enough. I need to wash mine, but it was only 6F (-14C) this morning.