Cruz made that seat angle and stopped. Why? We've seen there's demand for it. I've spoken to people who ride with towels rolled up behind their heads on a $5K bike. They find the seat too "deeply reclined". And it's not just the seat angle itself, it's what they've done to the neck angle in particular on the 3.0. As far as I know there is only one "front-wheel drive" recumbent on the market. Hard to find another one.Hmmm. Tolderol, you're discussing two variables (the bike and the seat angle) and then complaining about one (the bike) when your issue is the other (the seat angle).
From what you are saying you both prefer, and are much more comfortable on, a very upright seat. Great, at least you know that. Dissing the product because it doesn't deliver on the seat angle you prefer seems inappropriate to me. Go find a product that delivers what you want.
BTW. I don't buy your line that 27 degrees is a deeply reclined seat. I rode that angle for years on my rwd recumbent after coming from dfs, and imho it is the sweet-spot between aerodynamics, comfort and all round useability.
I suspect seat angles, like many things, are subject to a distribution curve. Based on my own experience, and observing discussions on BROL for the last 10 years, it seems to me that a small handful of people love deeply reclined seats (sub 20 degrees), a small handful of people (like you) love upright seats (30 degrees +), but most people prefer the goldilocks sweet spot in the 23 - 27 degree range. The Vendetta is for the first group, and the Silvio is for the latter. It would be great for Cruzbike to provide an option for people like you as well, but only time will tell if the Falcon will come to pass.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
Kind regards...
But there's a pack mentality here, I'm wasting my breath.