Kline nice bike ! have really enjoyed the build story. how do you find the bike now compared to your special softrider and do you miss the silvio 1.5.
what are your ongoing "kline" plans for the bike build and when will you fit the new curved slider
sorry about all the questions.........and thanks for sharing
Thanks jond! Glad you've enjoyed the build as I've certainly had fun building it up. Always good to overcome the challenges brought about by my relative 'newbieness' when it comes to doing my own bike work. I would never have made it through without the experiences shared by others on the forum as they got theirs together.
Compared to Sofrider this bike is a CBR 900 next to a Honda Rebel. I probably have no business on it but lovin it so far. Still miss the Silvio 1.5 but selling it allowed me to get the V. The Sofrider will continue to be a social ride/all-rounder.
As mentioned above I tried the recurved slider and took it back off. Only further plans are to put the water bottle cage on the headrest and use one side of it as a tail light mount (done--see pics below[another post]. Hoping that mount is temporary and that Cruzbike makes the ratz/scabinetguy attachment pole available to order. In the meantime, I feel safer with a place to put the light, even on my homemade mount). Need a place to store a cell phone, wallet, snacks, and a few tools, undecided between the Scarab and the Norback Fastback frame bag, which according to Terracycle is out of stock until late March. And of course tape the bars which will have to wait til Thursday at the earliest. After a bit of time a headrest mod may be in order but who knows.
Again thanks for the kind words!