Zen MBB Master
Yes, I was trying to imply all this when I mentioned stress analysis. All of this work required prior to even starting with the printing company is very expensive...and takes time. A good stress guy, some finite element analysis, etc., etc. This could easily double the cost of the print job, if not more.They would require a 3D cad drawing, where the stress analysis had already be done, and optimised as the wall thick can vary in thickness in any direction, and shape in any direction to maximise the strength and flexibility in any part of the frame!
After some test frames had been created, then dimensional and wall thickness checks would be done, and if required deflection checks under fixed loads!
Up front cost, like the above, is why small business doesn't typically employ these methods. A big name like Cervelo expects to sell 750k of these bikes worldwide. Cruzbike probably wouldn't sell more than a couple hundred (@ $20k ea...just to break even). It would take something like the UCI recognizing recumbents for entry into the TDF in order for that to pay off.
(can you imagine? Newsflash: UCI sez, "We're sorry. We were wrong. Come ride with us!" Parker family buys home in Monaco...)
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