Thank you. That is exactly what I needed to read. Now I have to decice if I will go cheap with glass fibre version or with carbon fibre. Other dilema is headrest. Aden headrest is no choise for me but I can order it from Thor or I can get Azub headrest easily.
matej your power meter is new to you do not be alarmed. the average joe larry jon etc on any platform puts out around 3-4 watts per kg at best. this is the truth for most of us fun thrill seekers of speed. it is only the pros who generate 6 watts plus /kg for an hour.
the fact is the vendetta is so fast it lulls you into its easy speed and you relax and down goes your power. in fact you can go backwards quickly fitness wise on a vendetta. therefore it takes a conscious effort to maintain effort if you wish to even stand still or build. remember the speed effort equation is not linear and whilst 32 klm/hr is easy on the vendetta it is not on the DF. by the time you get up over 36klm/hr you need to make an effort on the vendetta and pull out your finger. matej your are young so pull out both your fingers

aussie lingo for get off your ass find somewhere to ride fast and go faster.
rando all you like at 65% of your FTP.
i have exactly the same power on the DF the vendetta and the catrike 700 however it takes a few weeks to switch over platforms.
jason is spot on regarding the aero equation pedal efficiency comfort equation.
therefore make sure you exhaust all headrest options before you spend money making yourself less aero/fast. the designer of the bike knew what he was doing when he set the bike.
admittedly getting the headrest right can take a long long time. i had it right on the v2 but i am still fiddling about with the v20 despite copying the settings etc. did i mention i love to fiddle..............