What I did to prepare for Sebring 2017 ---today


Donut Powered Wise-guy
Is there a thread with pictures and tip about how to travel with or ship a Vendetta to a race? I've only got the massive shipping box Robert originally shipped the V20 to me with but that requires some kind of freight type shipping because the bike was basically fully assembled minus the bars. I almost feel safer shipping it a week in advance to one of you guys on the east coast over taking it on a plane with me. If we don't have an existing thread maybe we can start one if you guys some pictures of how you fit the V into a box.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Best case I've found on spec is the B&W I'm still trying to find a US dealer that carries them but haven't had a ton of time to research it.


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Jim Parker has used this one:



Ship bikes.com XL recumbent box works well you need to remove the wheels; the hand bar and the seat that's it. Box is fairly cheap to ship fedex if you use shipbikes broker service.

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Donut Powered Wise-guy
$125 sound right using shipbikes.com? sounds kind of pricey but a big box on an airline is about the same I guess.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
$125 sound right using shipbikes.com? sounds kind of pricey but a big box on an airline is about the same I guess.
Depends on the distance. I'm shipping from the middle of the country so it's usually $75-80 so CA to FL $125 sounds about right. The box is pricey but it's beefy good for at least 4-5 round trips. They are a small shop might not hurt to call them and tell them you shipping needs; they might have other options. They are basically a shipping brokerage with a cut rate deal from fedex.


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
Well the weather here has turned really nasty. Preparing for my training ride
LOL, we haven't got snow ploughs here but we got one of these. Expecting 4cm of snow.

And now back to the box of boxes
My only concern is someone will want to inspect it so they will have to undo a number of bolts!

Anyways... It should get me to Florida and back.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Rode Jepson today - it was easier than I thought it would be, so I increased the total% by 1% each of intervals 2, 3, & 4.
It's amazing when you do little sprints at 150% FTP how much "easier" the 100% FTP feels. :rolleyes:
Strava said my estimate power is up 5% over the last 4 weeks. See -resting really does make you stronger.
For everyone else on the plan, it might be worth double checking with Ratz if your mFTP has risen, so you can adjust your FTP before you start your workout.
Although the workouts our "easier" when your FTP is lower and your TSS is the same, it does not really do you any good to under-estimate your FTP - because basically you will not work as hard as you can to get even stronger.

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The last two weeks, the weather in Indiana has been quite tolerable for January. Highs near 50 and rain. Probable 15 degree above average. I wondered what the long range forecast for Florida showed. Good news if you can believe the weatherman. Above average temps and dryer than normal. This displays forecast for Jan-Feb-Mar.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Finished up the first two days of getting back at it. Mentally ride #2 of the first week after rest week is the hardest; Physically you feel like it's no big deal but the brain is busy going; really do we need to get back at this? sleep would be so much better. So of course the plan a nice kill it work out of 3 x 20 at 80% of all out. That's enough to reset the old expectation meter and put some nice load on your quads right by your knees. The is a nice system shock after the opener for the week which had a hard but shorter stuff designed to make you think you are doing big and strong. The week is building to the need hard Saturday ride; and then the first of the last 3 mega trainer hours on Sunday. In other other words rest week is over; and there is 60% more training stress this week than last

Tuesday confidence builder
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Wednesday expectation reseter
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Next step is to start planning cargo for the race. Got my trusty door setup. It has to fit on the door in piles or it won't fit in the truck. Makes it easy to stage parts. Now with a chance that the flo wheels will be here in time; I have to hold off with my final tire mountings; as I contemplate running Fusion 5 Galactik tubeless 25c on my bike for the event. I really have to stop putting off the packing, the clock is ticking. (Good thing we didn't remodel the basement as plan so I could make a mess).

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Donut Powered Wise-guy
Got my cast off and damn does my thumb and wrist feel fragile without the support of the cast. Everything is frozen stiff from 6 weeks of no movement but I'll get started on some PT in 10 days. Right now I'm just being super careful because bumping it or moving it hurts a lot.


Donut Powered Wise-guy
Oh well this is embarrassing, I thought Sebring was the last weekend of February, not the second weekend. I'm thing we should have included the exact date in this threads title instead of just the year for dummies like me. I don't know if I've got enough time to be ready considering how much my hand has been hurting me these past 2 days since getting my cast off. The second week of Feb is about the time I figured I could start testing the water with some easy outdoor rides. I can't even hang my hand from the bars for more then 30 mins before it become super uncomfortable and I start looking for somewhere to rest it. Then there's the task of building a crate to ship the bike and wheels without damage and I can't even get the damn thing off and on the trainer right now. I know I was only off by two weeks in my planning but it's kind of a critical 2 weeks.


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
Very sorry about @RojoRacing , I was hoping to meet up. Guess now I will have to get a trainer and see him on Zwift. Its my birthday today and instead of all the predicted crap rain, I have actually beautiful warm sun shinning thru the window. Roads though are terrible wet from the melting snow. We are off for a seafood buffet... eat as much as you like for $10. So... lets hope the sun can stay out a bit for tomorrow too so I can get a ride in at least.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Oh well this is embarrassing, I thought Sebring was the last weekend of February, not the second weekend. I'm thing we should have included the exact date in this threads title instead of just the year for dummies like me. I don't know if I've got enough time to be ready considering how much my hand has been hurting me these past 2 days since getting my cast off. The second week of Feb is about the time I figured I could start testing the water with some easy outdoor rides. I can't even hang my hand from the bars for more then 30 mins before it become super uncomfortable and I start looking for somewhere to rest it. Then there's the task of building a crate to ship the bike and wheels without damage and I can't even get the damn thing off and on the trainer right now. I know I was only off by two weeks in my planning but it's kind of a critical 2 weeks.
I'm not about to let you get off that easy Jason! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
You've still got 3 weeks.. and here is something to ponder:
I understand you will probably would not be physically ready (due to your wrist).
Come anyway - but don't bring your bike - just your cranks, pedals, helmet, etc.
I can't speak for Ratz or Jim, but I am willing to bet that either one of them would be willing to let you ride their Venedatta after the Century (and have it be sized for you)
You can enter the 12-hour - not ride the first 100, then when Jim or Bob finish and reconfigure their bike, you can hop into the 12-hour race and help "pull-the-train". You could ride and pull for 11 miles, then take off then next lap (or 2), then hop back in again when you feel like it. You would get a good 4-hours of riding in, be able to see and ride Sebring (will help for next year), take care of your wrist, and also have a bunch of time to hang out with everyone when not riding. Sounds like the best of everything since you can't do the 24-hour this year.
Since Marko is doing the 12-hour this year, Kevin and I have been persuaded to also riding in it and if weather is not against us we might have a run at 300+ miles. (I have also talked with JV, who is doing the 12-hour as well, so minimally we could have a group of 4 working together on the 12-hour after the Century is complete.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Its my birthday today and instead of all the predicted crap rain, I have actually beautiful warm sun shinning thru the window. Roads though are terrible wet from the melting snow. We are off for a seafood buffet... eat as much as you like for $10. So... lets hope the sun can stay out a bit for tomorrow too so I can get a ride in at least.
Happy Birthday David! - See you in 3 weeks!


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I rode Clark today - also moved my boom in 3/4" to try out some of Ratz's fitting estimates, as it looked like my leg was virtually flat when fully extended.
The jury is still out on how I felt. My left knee hurts now, but it might just be because of the low cadence at 200% FTP that this workout called for.
After this week, I am not really a fan of this this slow cadence stuff - maybe I'm too old - my knees just ache - especially the one (left) that I had rebuilt 35 years ago, with 2 later smaller surgerys.
We'll see after the day is over.
2017.01.20 Clark TR.PNG


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
Haaaaaa guess that's why it's got so cold here I can't go out to do the low cadence rides. I don't like them either... But my quads felt sure they had a work out. That was a good 90 minutes spent.

The endurance rides if not windy seem of a different intelligence. More of nutrition and conservatism.

If windy the endurance rides make your arms ache like crazy.

I guess with disc covers on the rear wheel it's another thing all together?

I think the 9 weeks training program is a classic , I think that's all you need. If you meet up with others on zwift, you aren't going to recover enough.

I was reading that the tacx neo can be used without power and would be good to travel with like up into the mountains 2 weeks before Sebring (next year's training program perhaps):rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I also read that it has an a accelerator function when going down hills. Does it simulate wind effect as well?

Do other trainers have these facilities?