What I did to prepare for Sebring 2017 ---today


Donut Powered Wise-guy
The cadence change is not what your thinking. The commonly used gears on a 11-32 and 11-25 per say are still single tooth steps. You'll only find yourself jumping two cogs at a time for the climbs and then into your small ring.

I to thought the same thing and after a little math I found it would matter for these flat races where you generally use the 16t and smaller cogs most the time.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
The cadence change is not what your thinking. The commonly used gears on a 11-32 and 11-25 per say are still single tooth steps. You'll only find yourself jumping two cogs at a time for the climbs and then into your small ring.

I too thought the same thing and after a little math I found it would matter for these flat races where you generally use the 16t and smaller cogs most the time.

Yep we had the same thing in Iowa but we did opt to install a 11-23 because I decide I wanted all the gears between 14-15-16-17-18 in single step so that I could meter out a steady state regardless of the winds. All the other stacks were missing the 16, 17 or the 18. Having never done this before it seems safer than getting caught short.

I have the "shift" file for those 1 hour races and I was going to go back an run Di2Stats on them to see which gears we actually used that day. I'll see about running those analysis for be PB and myself and post them.

The good thing about flat racing is you can grab a "cheap" 11-23 Shimano 6800, 11sp cassette for $60 which really is cheap given the quality of it.

The standard stack combo from Shimano 6800 are:
11-23: 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-21-23
11-25: 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-19-21-23-25
11-28: 11-12-13-14-15-17-19-21-23-25-28
11-32: 11-12-13-14-16-18-20-22-25-28-32
12-25: 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-21-23-25

There are others but then we get into the Cogs That cost 2.5-ratz's where a Ratz = 100$


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I rode Ericsson today.
I have alwasys turned off the "words" on these trainerRoad programs because I listen to books or commentaries while I ride, and having all those words constantly flashing in front of my face is irritating to say the least. But Ratz told me I should try and follow some of the instructions. So I did this time - and yes - it is still irritating, but I guess I at least followed most of the workout correctly since it included one-leg, and high speed cadence drills.

Also - I took the "regular" Ericsson workout and added 30 minutes more "warm-up" after their "very lame" 3-minute warm-up.
(I added a ramp from 65% to 73% FTP for 30 minutes right after their 3-mintues one. So much nicer, plus racked up an extra 25 TSS for a respectable 91.)
Seriously who can warm up in 3 minutes anyway! Come on.
I don't know about most of you, but it really takes me a good 30-45 minutes to really warm up.
If you don't know about it, you can download TR "Workout Creator" app and either create workouts of your own from scratch or edit one of theirs.
Editing one of theirs is super simple and fast, and it becomes instantly available to the workout library when you "publish" it from the Workout Creator. Nice App!

What a crazy workout ending too. They are having you spinning really fast for the last 8 minutes at between 88-95% of your FTP - and then they give you "1" whole minute to cool-down. Who ever wrote this one, just really wanted to squeeze everything into an hour.
IMHO, better to reduce the 4 minutes rest between to 2 and give more at the beginning and end.

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Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Ok back to the Gearing Chat; took the flatland race file from September and put the data into di2stats.com digital can be so cool...because what you recall and what you actually did don't always match up.

For the lap race http://www.di2stats.com/rides/view/22148
raced it in 11-14 using 15-17 for easy recovery laps

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For the horse shoe race http://www.di2stats.com/rides/view/22149
I spent a lot of time in 15, 16, 17 as I learned how to go around the horse shoe with the constant accelerate / decelerate . By the end after I got clear of the traffic, I got over confident and let it rip a lot faster through the turns in 11-14 until I did the two wheel drift; and decided to just settle in on 14 until the finish.

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This tells me I need an 11-15 continuous stack for a straight line race; and 11-17 if lots of corners but I pretty much never use 18t or higher during a flat race.

Now take the same rides for pluckbond and we get
Straight line need a continuous 15-19t

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Horse shoe was much more conservative
Still pretty much 16-19t as the favored gears.

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So with that analysis done, the 11-23T will be going back on the bikes for Sebring. FWIW went to college in Florida; road bikes; 8 speed era. We use to call our 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 cassettes "a corn cob" so I guess todays' cassette is a corn cob on a plate. Now I just need Flo to fix my wheel problem.....
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Donut Powered Wise-guy
got my splint off and installed a shiny new cast. unfortunately the incisions are still healing look a little grotesque and the dr. wouldn't give me a water proof cast as a result. without the water proof cast i can't really hit the pedals too hard and over soak the cast in sweat so i'll just continue my ultra base buildup of junk miles while i wait for these next 4 weeks to go by.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
got my splint off and installed a shiny new cast. unfortunately the incisions are still healing look a little grotesque and the dr. wouldn't give me a water proof cast as a result. without the water proof cast i can't really hit the pedals too hard and over soak the cast in sweat so i'll just continue my ultra base buildup of junk miles while i wait for these next 4 weeks to go by.
You are granted clemency for NOT posting any photos....

super slim

Zen MBB Master
Ok back to the Gearing Chat; took the flatland race file from September and put the data into di2stats.com digital can be so cool...because what you recall and what you actually did don't always match up.

For the lap race http://www.di2stats.com/rides/view/22148
raced it in 11-14 using 15-17 for easy recovery laps

View attachment 3881

For the horse shoe race http://www.di2stats.com/rides/view/22149
I spent a lot of time in 15, 16, 17 as I learned how to go around the horse shoe with the constant accelerate / decelerate . By the end after I got clear of the traffic, I got over confident and let it rip a lot faster through the turns in 11-14 until I did the two wheel drift; and decided to just settle in on 14 until the finish.

View attachment 3882

This tells me I need an 11-15 continuous stack for a straight line race; and 11-17 if lots of corners but I pretty much never use 18t or higher during a flat race.

Now take the same rides for pluckbond and we get
Straight line need a continuous 15-19t

View attachment 3883

Horse shoe was much more conservative
Still pretty much 16-19t as the favored gears.

View attachment 3884

So with that analysis done, the 11-23T will be going back on the bikes for Sebring. FWIW went to college in Florida; road bikes; 8 speed era. We use to call our 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 cassettes "a corn cob" so I guess todays' cassette is a corn cob on a plate. Now I just need Flo to fix my wheel problem.....
That is VERY USEFUL info!!
Do Sram have the same info stored in their system?


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Do Sram have the same info stored in their system?
Both SRAM and Shimano output that data. SRAM Natively; Shimano if you add the extra ANT+ transmitter. Garmin records them into the fit file as part of the current standard. You can pretty much expect everyone with electric shifting to support it. That Data is just too useful for year end analysis. All that "auto lap" data from my ride (via those links) is very interesting. I find it too much to look at in season but this time of the year figuring out what gear to configure; it's very useful.

super slim

Zen MBB Master
Do you think that with electric fast and no effect shifting, you changed more often, than you would with manual shifting in Race conditions?
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Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
You are granted clemency for NOT posting any photos....
I say - post the photos -that way we can "share your pain" - it's not like your posting a picture of you bum - like who would do that anyway? :rolleyes:


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Yesterday I built and upload to YouTube - the complete Sebring Century ride. Just over 5GB.
This includes the 3 complete laps around the Sebring racetrack that starts the race.
My poor laptop was either building video or uploading. Took it about all day and night.
Here is the link the video - shows you the whole route in a little over 4 1/2 hours.
You even get to take a spill with me at the turnaround when I hit the loose sand!
This should help you get a really good feeling for what the route will actually look like, and also give you something to watch during those long weekend rides on the trainer!

No wise cracks about the speed! :) - Yes, I know it is slow, but hey, this was my first ever "event" on my Vendetta, and it was solo, so non-drafting.
I didn't know how to train, fuel, or be aero. It was also the first 100 miles of my first 24-hour "non-drafting" event hence the "slowness" also.

I will compile separate videos of the Sebring racetrack (1 lap), and the 11 mile loop and hopefully post them tomorrow.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Today I rode Piute, but had time for a 90 minute workout, so I added 4 minutes to each of the 5 "steps" - therefore Piute+20
I also up'd my FTP 5 points to match what Ratz said I got after testing.
By the time the 5th and final 16 minute interval came up, I was really doubting that I could last it.
I was pretty beat after only 6 minutes at 265 and thought for a moment I just was not going to be able to finish the workout.
I find it is almost certain "death to my spirit" when I am focused only on the time left, but if I concentrate on other things to pass the time it goes by so fast.
It is really amazing how long (or far) you can really go just on "the edge of blowing up"!
I was even able to increase to 110% for the last couple of minutes.

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Donut Powered Wise-guy
I say - post the photos -that way we can "share your pain" - it's not like your posting a picture of you bum - like who would do that anyway? :rolleyes:

Sorry no pic simply because I never think to take pics. There's was this little piece of fatty tissue blurbbing out of one point that they chemically cauterized with a stick of silver nitrate. Kind of creepy of the flesh turned black, shriveled up as it died and scabbed.


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
I'll post a pic and it's not my bum.

Oddly enough it's a failed attempt but only just a failure.

Can you guess what I have been trying to do?


Emmm the extender plate is aluminum ... Well thick with shims inserted toe and aft.

The look cleat doesn't fit on the extender as it isn't flat. I won't file it down either as then it would lose its strength and be downright dangerous.

Maybe if the magic position doesn't reduce the inflamation in my legs I finally takes Ratz advise and go with Speedplay.

There again I could alway extend the slots in the shoes by drilling away.

Don't like the idea much of that either.

The picture is showing the Speedplay cleat extender. Speedplay is the only manufacturer to provide a cleat extender.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Recover went good on the day off felt fresh and finished Ericsson without wondering how the rest of the week is going to go.

Also - I took the "regular" Ericsson workout and added 30 minutes more "warm-up" after their "very lame" 3-minute warm-up.

Just to clarify the warm up is 15 minutes. Don't confuse the ramp with the intervals.. That big spike on the front end has a very specific purpose to shock your legs and get you use to the things that happen on race day cold starts. Adding the 30 minute warm up on the front end of that work out defeats a major goal for most riders (aka not larry). The goal is to get the lactic clearing process jump started. In many case these initial clearing effort hurt more metally than the rest of the workout and they set your expectations for the rest of the ride.

The problem with turning off the prompts is you then don't know how to do the drills in the workout. This one had 6 minutes of one leg drills and the intervals were high rpm spin work . All and all a good little work out. As for the warm down you can ride past the end of the ride as long as you like much debate on whether that should be Zero, 10, or 15 minutes,

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After ride time sat down and worked on BKOOL. Edited Larry's GPS file down to 150 miles; and got it loaded into bkool.

Odd little system. Now that it's loaded it has to be scheduled. So I set it for Saturday and when I have time that day I'll fire it up and see if we can ride a simulation of the sebring route
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In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
simulation of the sebring route
Well my practice track just went under water. Three days of hellish rain. Looks like I am up the spout.

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Apparently worst in 70 years.
Guess a week out is really going to muck my stats up.

Anyways it is what it is. I'll let rip on the mountain bike.

New year resolution. Buy a trainer.