What I did to prepare for Sebring 2017 ---today

super slim

Zen MBB Master
our weather "Down Under" is the opposite with 40 C (104 F) forecast for Christmas Day!!!
No White, Or wet Christmas here!!!


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
After ride time sat down and worked on BKOOL. Edited Larry's GPS file down to 150 miles; and got it loaded into bkool.

Odd little system. Now that it's loaded it has to be scheduled. So I set it for Saturday and when I have time that day I'll fire it up and see if we can ride a simulation of the sebring route
Did they seem to think they would be able to do the parts on the Sebring Track? It will be really interesting to see what it come up with!


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Apparently worst in 70 years.
Guess a week out is really going to muck my stats up.

Anyways it is what it is. I'll let rip on the mountain bike.
Wow David - Some really amazing pictures! Stay Sate and keep smiling - Sebring will be here before you know it! :)


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Did they seem to think they would be able to do the parts on the Sebring Track? It will be really interesting to see what it come up with!
It's all automated. I doubt it will look like the track; I'm mostly concerned with the curves and the the turn around. Just to pedal through that once should help take the surprise out of it.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
It's all automated. I doubt it will look like the track; I'm mostly concerned with the curves and the the turn around. Just to pedal through that once should help take the surprise out of it.
Can't wait to see it!
I'll still create a single "Sebring 3.7 mile lap" video, as well as a single "Sebring 11-mile loop" video.
I wish I had footage of the transition from the day loop to the night look, but my VIRB shut down before that in 2015!
It's not too bad though - just follow the marshall's directions as you come through the original start gate.
They either let you go down the straight like all the previous laps, or if there is insufficient time to ride another 11-mile loop they direct you over a small overpass (over the racetrack) that dumps you out on the racetrack at the beginning of pit row.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
I'll still create a single "Sebring 3.7 mile lap" video, as well as a single "Sebring 11-mile loop" video.
If we can trim the GPS data to match we can make a video ride too. I'll get with you off line and we can use my account and the editing software to wipe something together.

For those sort of following along Bkool looks like it could be more fun for scheduling Cruzbike community rides. You actually put them on the calendar and invite people to join in at the time of the event. Unfortunately it's not a free service and that's always a barrier to getting critical mass.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Adding the 30 minute warm up on the front end of that work out defeats a major goal for most riders (aka not larry).

Following up on this a little more after chatting with Larry offline, my clarifying answers about this this might be instructional to others.

If a workout is too hard or two easy at some phase in a plan.

1) You’d be better with the +1 +2 version of a workout as those increase the “difficulty” of the goal of the workout versus Junk TSS.

2) When you “Copy” a workout you use to lose the instructions I have not tested that in a while so maybe they fixed that. That's one reason I discourage people from making copies if just doing things like extending the warmup or cool down.

3) Long warm ups are better done with the “free ride” workout there are freeride-30, 60, 90 so that the stats for the actual workout can be compared Target versus actual. This is really important for people not on a smart trainer where the target are a lot harder to hit. This is a much less important issue when using an ERG training and if you are managing your TSS plan in a separate program. The freeride stuff will get sucked into the TR tracking system.

What is a +1 +2 workout. Usually it's the same workout without the instructions; Usually for the +1 they cut 30-60 seconds rest out of the rest blocks; and adding it to the work block. The +2 usually is 5”% harder or has an additional interval added by cutting time from the rest blocks and maybe shortening the original intervals by 60 secs. So 2x20 with 4 minute rest become 3x15 and 3 minutes rest
a +3 usually just is “longer time wise with 1 full extra interval…. Not all workouts have +1 and some even have -1. Failing all that; any workout can be scaled on the fly.

The Sebring schedule is compressed so it's likely that some of the work outs are too hard and some are too easy depending on where each person is in their training. But through the wonders of FTP and software it's pretty easy to adjust. Oh and Larry and Jason aren't mortal don't feel any need to live up to their levels to do well.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
If we can trim the GPS data to match we can make a video ride too. I'll get with you off line and we can use my account and the editing software to wipe something together.

For those sort of following along Bkool looks like it could be more fun for scheduling Cruzbike community rides. You actually put them on the calendar and invite people to join in at the time of the event. Unfortunately it's not a free service and that's always a barrier to getting critical mass.
Any chance of getting a "club" or "group" pricing with them?


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I did the Gieger + 2 workout today - no additions Ratz! Looking very forward to a nice recover day tomorrow with Pettit!

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Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Chugging away; road Piute todays another progression stair step did good but forgot to turn on the fan and had to stop; then the daughter locked our itunes account so I had no music and had to try and type the darn itunes password while pedaling at 150bpm which was impossible; and then the ipad fell out of the stand. but I did finish it; and I'm starting to get my training legs back under me.

Realized I need to finish my "Gear" check sheet yet and I really need to spend and hour reviewing our wheel and figuring out if any are not holding air and would be worth the effort to remount size I don't think we'll have our Flo's back in time for the race.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Today I found out you can create your own workouts in Zwift.
I tried from memory to create something like the TR Pettit workout, but I think I over cooked it a little bit, as I think my avg wattage should have been close to 160, not 180.
Anyway - good to know you can create your own workouts in Zwift - and the tool is not hard to use either.
I wonder if once you create one, is it available to everyone? More research required.

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Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
News worthy late breaking story! (I feel like a reporter ;) )

Alvin Maxwell gets a Vendetta!
A very good friend of mine and fellow racer: Alvin Maxwell has now procured a Vendetta. (He bought Maria’s “old” red one)
I’ve been trying to get him to get one for a year now! I loaned him mine a couple of times for some short rides and he liked it pretty well.
For those of you that do not know - Alvin is an extremely strong and seasoned DF racer.
He puts on the Mid-Atlantic race series in August which has been the site of the UMCA National Championship for the Century for the last 2 years.
Alvin has also personally ridden over 500 in 24 hours on an upright bike. This puts him in a hugely elite field of riders!
He is also the kind of guy that goes and rides both directions of the Blue Ridge Parkway in 10 days - and carries 50 lbs. of camping gear while doing it!
Once he gets dialed into the Vendetta he will no doubt be amazing! I just can wait to see it! :)
He just told me that he is planning on riding in the Century and Sebring this coming February! Wow!
That Century at Sebring is going to be “wild” - With Jesse (on a Bachetta) - David, Jim P, Ratz, and now Alvin all on Vendettas. (If I left anyone out - sorry.)
I was going to ride the 12-hour, but I know I will not be able to resist the temptation to hang with these guys - so I might just have to ride the Century instead.
I guess I’ve got a few weeks to decide.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
That's far too many fast people I may have to change to the 12 hour. :rolleyes:
Yeah right Ratz!
News flash - even if you change to the 12-hour, I'm gonna make you stick with me with that Century group - We've gotta make sure a Cruzbike wins, so the plan in to stick with the group for the first 90, then blow all the other non-Cruzbikes away and pull either Jim or Alvin to a win. (We'll let up to 120% on the last mile and Jim and Alvin can duke it out for the win.)

The good thing about doing it this way is:
We'll get nice and warmed up for the remaining 8 or so hours,
and most especially,
those remaining 8 hours will feel so easy after that last little 10-mile TT. :D:p;)


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
those remaining 8 hours will feel so easy after that last little 10-mile TT. :D:p;)
You can pull me with a rope for the first 73 miles and then I'll just do a lead out TT for an hour.
Right about now just sitting on the couch and getting out of shape sounds appealing.....

Finished Geiger tonight finally settling in to the workload after my home remodeling break. Just kept on promising myself if I finished it I'd take tomorrow off and skip Pettit. Of course now I'm singing a different tune; don't want to give up that easy 40 TSS to drive up fitness tomorrow. Not to mention the easy fat burning.

Really need to find some time to work on the wheels this weekend.

In the meantime update the Firmware for the Kickr(s), Cadence Meters and HR Strap all where a bit behind. Kickr added some interesting new things including acceleration power.
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Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
I wonder if once you create one, is it available to everyone? More research required.
Nope; and it doesn't even sync between devices if you create the work on a computer; it won't appear on a tablet you own; if your device crashes all your customer workouts are lost.


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
Well it's xmas folks... I just bought a car game for 5 bucks and it's called stock car extreme and it's even got the Sebring circuit so let's have fun in between the training bouts!

Sure enough they have recumbent view (it's called a go cart:cool:)

The big day might as well be today... What have you got to lose

super slim

Zen MBB Master
News worthy late breaking story! (I feel like a reporter ;) )

Alvin Maxwell gets a Vendetta!
A very good friend of mine and fellow racer: Alvin Maxwell has now procured a Vendetta. (He bought Maria’s “old” red one)
I’ve been trying to get him to get one for a year now! I loaned him mine a couple of times for some short rides and he liked it pretty well.
For those of you that do not know - Alvin is an extremely strong and seasoned DF racer.
He puts on the Mid-Atlantic race series in August which has been the site of the UMCA National Championship for the Century for the last 2 years.
Alvin has also personally ridden over 500 in 24 hours on an upright bike. This puts him in a hugely elite field of riders!
He is also the kind of guy that goes and rides both directions of the Blue Ridge Parkway in 10 days - and carries 50 lbs. of camping gear while doing it!
Once he gets dialed into the Vendetta he will no doubt be amazing! I just can wait to see it! :)
He just told me that he is planning on riding in the Century and Sebring this coming February! Wow!
That Century at Sebring is going to be “wild” - With Jesse (on a Bachetta) - David, Jim P, Ratz, and now Alvin all on Vendettas. (If I left anyone out - sorry.)
I was going to ride the 12-hour, but I know I will not be able to resist the temptation to hang with these guys - so I might just have to ride the Century instead.
I guess I’ve got a few weeks to decide.

Larry that is a great Idea, and would create some GREAT photo shoots, on a gentle curve with 7? vendettas in a row, followed by 4/ bachettas!
Also with a Bachetta and a Vendetta, next to or close behind, with similar sized riders to see how much better the Aero is on the Vendetta, with full frontal, side and full rear photos!
It would also be good to do the same for Gnome sized and normal/tall riders on a Vendetta!


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I rode the Warlow TR workout today - but I created the workout in Zwift the night before. Took me about 8-10 minutes to create it, and it is pretty accurate.
It is an odd thing riding an ERG workout in a field of 1000 other riders thoough.
You are just "pegged" to your wattage for whatever segment of the workout you are on (no biggie there - we are used to that).
The odd thing is to have all these riders around that you are helpless to really interact with like you normally would (catch them, be in a pack, draft someone, etc) - because whatever your ERG wattage is, that is what you have to ride.
My ride below averaged 200+ watts with NP of 220 - I only got barely over 20mph. That's my Hybrid MB speed on the rode! haha
On the Vendetta - I would probably be averaging more like 25.
I did get upgraded to a TT bike and some 50mm CF wheels, so we'll see if that will make any difference the next time.

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