Recent content by ccf

  1. ccf

    Global Recumbent Network

    I think a GCN-style YouTube video comparing the time around a road circuit on a V20c vs a racing road bike or a TT bike would be good.
  2. ccf

    High Speed's Unchained Fury

    That was a fun race. I thought LD was going to win it. Hawk was sticking to us like glue until that gap opened at the end.
  3. ccf

    2024 WTTC - Borrego Springs - Cruzbike Guys against the Girls

    Each team member took a turn for 1 or 2 laps.
  4. ccf

    What Is The Reason for the Aluminum Element in V20 Frame?

    What is the weight of the V20c vs V20 (front + rear)?
  5. ccf

    Short crank questions answered here

    How do they get down to 30t with 110 BCD?
  6. ccf

    Short crank questions answered here

    @Jim Parker can you provide a recommendation for a 2X spider that will fit these cranks and that will support chainrings smaller than 50/34?
  7. ccf

    Short crank questions answered here

    When I switched from 172.5 down to 145, I compensated by switching the cassette from 36t up to 42t. That works well.
  8. ccf

    Cd*A testing in preparation for the WTTC in November

    In the “without race cage” condition, what was behind the seat?
  9. ccf

    lower handlebars?

    These drop bars are 25.4mm:
  10. ccf

    2023 6-12-24 WTTC Borrego Springs

    Here's my (overdue) race report: Training: I did two double centuries as part of my training. The first was the Best of the Bay DC on Oct 7, and it was a hot one. This ride goes up Mt Diablo, then through inland parts of the Bay Area that get quite hot. I got behind on my hydration, and it...
  11. ccf

    Cross-Training Bent & Upright - Better, Worse, or Neutral?

    I find my DF useful for V20 training for two reasons. The first is that it is generally easier to make a little more power when riding against resistance like a hill or the wind. Compared to the V20, riding my DF is like riding into a constant headwind. So I end up working a little harder on the...
  12. ccf

    2023 6-12-24 WTTC Borrego Springs

    Four Cruzbikers will be racing this year. Laura and John Crawford and I will be in the 24h. Maria Parker will be in the 6h. The 24h starts at 5pm Pacific Time on Friday, Nov 3. The 6h starts at 11am Pacific time on Sunday, Nov 5. You will be able to get live results for the 24h here after the...
  13. ccf

    25.4mm to 31.8mm shim

    Anyone know where I can get a long shim to mount 25.4mm bars on a V20? Looks like the shim would need to be 63.5mm long.
  14. ccf

    V2 vs V20 - what are the differences?

    Is the Speedfil bottle easily removable, like a standard water bottle from its cage?
  15. ccf


    Those look good and probably work great in warmer weather, but I'm looking for something that will block cold air when I'm moving fast. Even the shield on my Giro Vanquish won't do that because my head is back.