Search results

  1. LarryOz

    Finally - My sub-4 hour Century - totally fuel-less!

    I did not think it was possible, as I have tried several times this year with no success. But I thought I would experiment with fuel-less riding again a little more since it was the end of the season. So this is my personal Best Fuel-less Century: 3:56:25, so I did it! I carried 64 ounces of...
  2. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    Hello Tribe, I have just been informed by the race director for this event that recumbents are welcome to ride. Event info: That is great news from an event that is following basic UCI rules. Due to be recently unemployed, I am financially...
  3. LarryOz

    2016 Savannah Labor Day Weekend Century ride report

    Well, I broke away at 70 miles - what happened? :) Here is the link to find out: Video to follow - processing now...
  4. LarryOz

    You many have heard: Larry crashed again

    And yes, this time I've got video to show for it at least. It all started Tuesday evening. I had had a really bad day, and I told my wife I wanted to go and ride with the Tuesday night group and just get all my frustration out with an extremely "hard" ride. She was happy to let me go, since...
  5. LarryOz

    2016 Mid-Atl Century reports and videos

    I finally downloaded and processed my first video from today's race. It is only the last 5 minutes of the race and from the front camera view, but definitely the most exciting part! The rear facing video view is even better, as it shows everyone trying to chase me as I passed them - I hope to...
  6. LarryOz

    "Special": Red V20 FrameSet for sale: $2000 - SOLD!!!

    Per Kevin Gambill: I've got the Red V20 (frameset only) broken down and ready to pack and ship in original box. Highlights - Standard chain stay. Boom cut a few inches and is now 20". I'm 6'1" and it still has plenty of room for adjustment. - Excellent shape, no scratches or dings and paint in...
  7. LarryOz

    How to "try" to capture a KOM .. or .. Stop Light remote needed

    Actually probably more likely termed "How not to try it ....", or "make a better plan before proceeding"! . First go ride ~110 miles to warm up. Check the KOM you want to do and proceed to starting point. This next part (actually 4-parts) is just hysterical (at least to me) - luckily I enjoy...
  8. LarryOz

    An anniversary, or milestone of sorts!

    About 2 years ago I had just got my first Cruzbike (Silvio 2.0) and we came to the same beach for vacation - on the same week (July 4th week). Anyway: I rode my first Century on that Silvio in 4:59:00 on June 29th on the open road. I did not have a power meter back then, but my pulse averaged...
  9. LarryOz

    Ride-a-Thon for Honduras - Larry Oz - goal 1500 miles in 15 days

    Hello all, Here is my belated post for my Honduras Fund Raiser. Pretty much the same as last year - just longer (last year was 10 days - this year is 15) I had meant to post it on Saturday when I officially started, but with the re-org of the forum I need to check with "the "powers that be" to...
  10. LarryOz

    Fletcher Flyer event

    Me and about 1100 local riders took off on this event this morning at 8am. I was the only recumbent that I could see in the whole group. I also saw one trike. The Century had about 6,000 feet of climbing and one pretty steep accent. Anyway, a lot more hills that I'm used too seeing that I...
  11. LarryOz

    Testing week in Asheville, NC June 25 - July 1

    An invitation of sorts: I am finally taking a week off to do intensive testing of my collection of bikes (mostly recumbents) and their accompaniments. I will spend the better part of 7 straight days doing various testing. My testing will be conducted with power meters, and as similar components...
  12. LarryOz

    National 24 Hour Challenge: N24HC

    Here is the link to the next big Ultra Marathon Cycling Association's (UMCA) event: The event starts Saturday June 18th at 8am. (5 weeks from this Saturday) It is being held in Middleville, MI. There is free camping at the school for the riders and their crews if they...
  13. LarryOz

    2016 Calvin's Challenge video

    Hi All, Here is a link to the first video I have published of the 2016 Calvin's race. It is the last 30 minutes, which was really the most exciting part .. I do have about an hour of footage from support and all 12 hours of the race. I will be putting together a "highlight reel" with a little of...
  14. LarryOz

    N24HC 2016

    I just keep bugging Ratz to ride in some event so we can ride together! Hey Ratz, the N24HC is a lot closer to you than Sebring - come on over to that and I might do the same. Pretty sure Joe and Kevin will be riding their V's there! :)
  15. LarryOz

    2016 Calvin's Challenge - who's going??

    Just a quick note to remind everyone of the Calvin's Challenge event this coming April, 30 in Springfield, Ohio. Last year, this was my first 12 hour race on my Vendetta, and to my recollection, we had at least 4 Vendettas there representing Cruzbike: Jim...
  16. LarryOz

    Chain WAXing (yes it's that easy) - and other mysteries of this art!

    I searched through our forum for any posts on these chains. The MoltenSpeed Wax company that I get my wax from for my chains keeps telling me that I need to ditch my KMC chains for the YBN chains as they are substantially better. The "titanium...
  17. LarryOz

    My Vendetta V2.2 for sale on BROL This is the exact Vendetta I rode in Calvin's Challenge on last year. I traded it to "Jim" for his M1 about 6 months ago. He said he just can't learn to ride it. He lives somewhere in Northern Florida for a reference I can...
  18. LarryOz

    2016 HPRA FLORIDA CHALLENGE Well, I'm here now (with my bride - Gayle) - bum shoulder and all. As you can see - we are in a really tennie wennie place - Of course the bikes get the bed. - we'll not really since Gayle is with me! haha But they do have to live on the bed during...
  19. LarryOz

    Looking for LARGE chainstay for Vendetta V20

    I got some leg extensions and need 3" more now.... That pretty much sums it up. :) You can email me at if you have one or know someone who does....
  20. LarryOz

    This is why I'm training indoor right now.....

    This is my front yard - It has been snowing now for about 2 days. Everything is pretty much closed down around here right now.. Of course I just had to be able to say that I "braved" the 20 degree elements in my biking shorts only - Yes I do have them on. My wife made sure of that - she...