Search results

  1. LarryOz

    Adjusting to different seat angles

    Bob, Rick, anyone else out there that regularly switches between different bikes/seat angles: Do you find it hard to "get in the zone" after changing from Vendetta to Silivio (or other), and then back again? Just wondering how much saddle time I should put in with my "incline pad" on my...
  2. LarryOz

    24 hours at Sebring - Ride report and videos from Larry

    Hello all, My journal/notes of my 24 hours at Sebring 2015 is finally done. Complete with pictures of the event. You can download my pdf file below and read about my adventure. Videos of the race...
  3. LarryOz

    2015 Crubike Calendar featuring: YOU

    Hello Everyone, Yearly, my wife and I collect all photos we have for the year from both sides of our family and make custom calendars for everyone. I just finished the one for my side of the family, and I said to myself: "Self - wouldn't if be really cool to do a Cruzbike Calendar and have...
  4. LarryOz

    Cruzbike Handle-Alias-Avatar - FUN

    The mischievous in me just can't help it, so especially for Rick, Bob, Gary, whoever cares, I think I will have some fun for the rest of December making up new handles and changing them daily. Join in if you want - change up you avatar too. Kind of like the 12 days Christmas - now to Jan 1, will...
  5. LarryOz

    numbness in tip of middle finger on right hand

    No - this is not a joke. Now - for the last week, I have noticed numbness in the tip of my middle finger of my right hand. Very mild, but it lingers almost the entire day No jokes about road rage, or using it (middle finger) too much at idiot drivers. I don't do that - thank-you very much...
  6. LarryOz

    Let the V20 build begin

    I just received my V20 in a nice medium sized box from Taiwan. It was very nicely and tightly packed for transport. I will lay out and photograph all the pieces tonight and post them for my build diary.
  7. LarryOz

    V20 framesset on ebay ?Currently $810, but reserve not met. 6 days left . About a month too late for me!
  8. LarryOz

    Platform for recumbent on rollers

    I have a set of Kreitler rollers with the headwind trainer (which basically allows you to put drag on the rotating cylinders, plus it blows air at you to help cool you down) They are great for balance. I got very good at riding my DF on it many years ago. I eventually got to where I could with...
  9. LarryOz

    Silvio Di2 - Utlegra 6870 11 Speed

    OK Bob - You now qualify as OK Bob - You now qualify as the reigning Cruzbike/Di2 expert! I think I'm going to have to plan a rode trip up to you so you can help me with mine on my new V20 now!
  10. LarryOz

    Ready to build the ultimate Vendetta racing machine

    OK, Getting serious now! I have ordered a V20 frameset! My goal is to create the fastest Vendetta I can and have it ready and broken in for Sebring 2014 on Feb 14th for either a 12 or 24 hour race. I saw on some website an M5 loweracer had published a 40kph speed at 175 watts. (Do not...
  11. LarryOz

    2 V's in a pod

    What a beautiful day in Asheville, NC in late November! 65 degrees, sunny, and just enough wind to remind it is late November when you are in the shade!
  12. LarryOz


    Has anyone on this forum ever personally used powercranks before? I have searched the Cruzbike forum posts and only saw one mention of it in the "short crank arms" post, and only mentioned because they have adjustable crank lengths. The company website is: From reading...
  13. LarryOz

    wheel upgrade to my V2.0

    Finally got my 88mm Carbon FIber Wheel set. Bike looks fast just sitting there! I have not ridden on them yet, but hope to in the next week, and will provide comparison data.. (Once again, no way to attach a photo to this first thread of a post - not sure why) so, see below
  14. LarryOz

    VIRB video of ride up to Blue Ridge Parkway and down

    Here is a link to my Youtube link of my recent ride. It is quite long, but you can check out different parts of the ride. I really like the way the VIRB editors lets you overlay different dashboards on your screen to show you data I had the VIRB camera mounted...
  15. LarryOz

    a V in Honduras!!

    Well - not really, but this is the best I could do to get some exercise while down here. Took my deskCycle (crank length at least 100mm - haha!), pushed it up against a wall, then sat and leaned back on a footstool wedged between the bed and the deskCycle. Definitely sweating a lot more down...
  16. LarryOz

    Boom creeping forward

    I am having trouble with the boom sliding away from the slider as I ride. Yesterday I was having big issues with my knees and noticed that the boom had actually moved 4". I know that is a lot. The V was brand new to me and I guess I was too focused on too many thing to notice it moved until it...
  17. LarryOz

    The great Silvio/Vendetta swap

    OK - it is Monday morning, September 29, 2014. My new (new to me) Vendetta 2.0 is finally done and ready to ride! Yeah. Too bad it raining ALL day!! A bit of history for those who do not know it (for those that do, don't worry , I'll keep it short!) On June 1, 2014 I drove from...
  18. LarryOz

    PAC Elite Tour Interest for 2015

    Hello everyone. Based on our conversation over on the "Cruzbike RAAM Team", I have gotten a few details about the PAC tour. Web page: ? Briefly it is a 2 week tour from May 11 - May 29 - 2015 It leaves San Diego, Cal and ends up in Tybee Island, Georgia...
  19. LarryOz

    Silvio frame collecting water

    Hello all, I checked the forum for any posts like this and did not see anything. I totally forgot about this event from my 12 hour race last Saturday and suddenly it came to my mind. As I was disassembling my Silvio 2.0 to pack into my car, I took the back wheel off and set the bike on the...
  20. LarryOz

    Recollections of my first 12 hour cycling event. Washington, NC

    I arrived promptly at 5:30am at the Washington High School after at least 5 hours of un-restful sleep! It was still dark, and for some strange reason, all of the parking lot lights went out 5 minutes before I arrived, which made it a little challenging to unpack and setup. It was a little more...