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  1. Always-Learnin

    How to leave a PM?

    I'd appreciate help on explaining how to do this. I can leave a Profile message but that seems to be visible to others. I'm wanting to know how to leave a private message. TIA
  2. Always-Learnin

    New S40 Owner

    So very happy to have my new S40! Love, love, love, the color! Sadly, UPS mangled the shipping box, chipped the paint to the undercoat on the forks, gouged the headrest bar and punched a hole in the box too. Apparently, they set the shipping box on end in a puddle of water which caused the...
  3. Always-Learnin

    Silvio 2.0+ Split Elastomer

    Friends, I just noticed that the bushing (?) under the seat on my Silvio 2.0+ is splitting. Has anyone else had this happen? Are these parts still available and can I get a replacement from Cruzbike? TIA
  4. Always-Learnin

    Silvio 2.0+ and TriRig Omega X front brake

    So, I got a pretty nasty rub burn on my right leg from the brakes this week and I was wondering if anyone had installed the TriRig Omega X front brake on their Silvio 2.0? If so, are there any 'gottchas" that I should be aware of before purchasing the Omega X. I have read through Ratz's V.20...
  5. Always-Learnin


    So, I was thinking about trying to convert my A67 Wheel set to tubeless. Has anyone done this with this wheel set? If so, can you tell me which Stan's No Tube Kit I should use? TIA
  6. Always-Learnin


    Praying that each of you has a wonderful day today and a blessed and prosperous year ahead!
  7. Always-Learnin

    New QX100 Owner

    So I purchased (helped my daughter purchase), a new QX100 with the rack. This is her first Cruzbike and she is looking for a rack top bag "in pink" for this rack. I thought I would ask the Tribe...any suggestions? TIA
  8. Always-Learnin


  9. Always-Learnin

    DT Swiss RWS Tandem Steel 145mm with Aluminum Lever (Skewer)

    I'm embarrassed to ask this but perhaps it may help someone else. I just purchased a DT Swiss RWS Tandem Steel 145mm with Aluminum Lever (Skewer) to replace the bent skewer I have on my front wheel. Previously, when changing my front tire/tube, I noticed that my current front skewer had no...
  10. Always-Learnin

    New Cycliq Fly 6 (v)

    Just thought I would post a couple of pics. Notice the new mounting.
  11. Always-Learnin

    Bend It Cycling Products

    I purchased a recumbent jersey and shorts from Bend It Cycling Products and found their sizing chart was way off. I got a 3x jersey but it was much closer to a 1x in size. I purchased their Expedition Recumbent Shorts in 2x and they were way too large. Has anyone else purchased from this...
  12. Always-Learnin

    High Speed Turns

    I apologize if this has been discussed and answered before...I couldn't find it if it was. I have a sharp, almost 90 degree right hand, down hill turn on my regular ride. I was wondering what the best technique is for taking these kinds of turns at speed? TIA
  13. Always-Learnin

    My Cycliq Fly6 Issues and Resolution

    I wasn't really sure where to put this, but since I am showing my solution to "my problem", I thought it might go here. Problem: See picture Fly6 Failure I discovered the damage after a short ride of about 21 miles, this past Saturday. The Fly6 has never been dropped or abused in any way...
  14. Always-Learnin

    Question About Videos (Posting)

    I am an absolute unschooled noob when it comes to posting videos. In fact, about all I can do (or need to do at this point) is use Garmin Virb Edit with its limited features, to post short clips to Facebook. I both a Fly 12 and a Fly 6 on my Silvio 2.0+ and the problem I am having is that when...
  15. Always-Learnin

    Shapeways 3D Printing

    I recently discovered this site. They have some very interesting products for cyclists. Fly6 Adapters - Garmin Adapters - I plan to use this Ram Mount
  16. Always-Learnin

    Look what UPS just dropped off!

    Pre-ordered this back in the Summer of 2015! They are finally shipping them out. Now comes the fun part - installing it and testing it out. :D
  17. Always-Learnin

    The Hope Film

    Dear Jim & Maria, Thank you for this wonderful movie. I just finished watching it with my wife, who suffers from MS. Thank you also for your unashamed references to God and faith. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born...
  18. Always-Learnin


    Just wanted to let anyone who might be interested know that the SmarTube Hydration System by Bluedesert is a neat way to utilize your existing water bottles with a Bent Up Aero Bag. I suppose that as long as you have...
  19. Always-Learnin

    Bent Large Chainring!

    Been throwing the chain when I try to shift to the large chainring so I took the bike to my LBS to get them to adjust the shifting for me. They did a thorough check and found that it was bent. Say what? I fell in my drive way twice about a year ago (landed in the grass) but didn't have any...
  20. Always-Learnin

    Shim size for Stock Handlebars

    Can anyone tell me what size shims to use with the stock handlebars? I want to install my Garmin 1000 "out front" mount but it won't stay in place. I'd appreciate knowing where to find them too. TIA