Search results

  1. Charles.Plager

    what does the seat of the Silvio 2.0 weigh?

    11.5 Kg?  (11.5 lbs would be 11.5 Kg? (11.5 lbs would be amazing). I'll point out that even if the weight savings is a pound, buying a carbon seat for lower weight isn't a great use of money - it's total weight (bike + rider) that matter and that's really only when climbing. If you...
  2. Charles.Plager

    Do you want to make 'bents more popular? Do you want to make the world healthier?

    Note to forum admin: This is a post essentially about a competing manufacture. I explain in the post why I think this is relevant for us, but I'll understand if you feel otherwise and remove the post. The big point is that I think this is an opportunity to get recumbents more visible in the US...
  3. Charles.Plager

    Dual Cruzbike Conversion on a Tandem?

    Hi, Here's my wacky idea of the day: Two Cruzbike conversion kits (or at least, 1 full kit, one additional seat) And something like this: My thought is that one does the full conversion on the front, install the seat on the back and have the stoker pedal what would be...
  4. Charles.Plager

    RAAM on a Silvio 2.0??

    Hi, As almost all of you know, Maria just did an outstanding job finishing RAAM. I very much understand that the Vendetta is a lot more streamlined than the Silvio 1.5. But the Silvio 2.0 is much more aggressive in the way it presents. I wonder what Maria, Jim, John et al's thoughs...
  5. Charles.Plager

    Mongoose Incline, Ledge and Hyper Havoc bikes at Wal-mart

    Seat height would be my Seat height would be my biggest concern. Brand name is completely irrelevant as the company isn't the same it was when the brand became known. And yes, a braze on could get in the way of the seat, but could be filed off if necessary. Cheers, Charles
  6. Charles.Plager

    Vendetta 2.0 unboxing and build

    Later?? What do you mean, Later?? What do you mean, you'll create another thread later. I want it NOW!!! Very nice. :D
  7. Charles.Plager

    Dan and Maria are both famous!

    Here's a nice article about Dan crewing for Maria on her RAAM ride. Enjoy!
  8. Charles.Plager

    Hill Challenge...How would you respond ?

    I wouldn't respond on I wouldn't respond on facebook, but rather would go out and start riding up some hills. Give it your best shot and let your results speak for you (because, well, after climbing that hill, I'd think you won't have enough breath to actually speak :D ). " Hills suck...
  9. Charles.Plager

    A good weekend

    Winter has finally ended here in Connecticut and the riding is coming along well. A lovely weekend with three rides with 50 miles total.
  10. Charles.Plager

    Introducing the Cruzigami Mantis

    Hello, I'd like to introduce you to the World's first Cruzigami Mantis - full suspension, (hopefully) packable, and with gearing between 18.5 and 111 gear inches (the standard Sofrider is geared between 26 and 107 gear inches).: The two halves of the seat are attached by wing...
  11. Charles.Plager

    Houston Commuter

    That's a very nice looking That's a very nice looking bike. The double kick stand is a good idea as I've had issues with my Sofrider and a single kick stand. And for wet riding, fenders are a very good thing. :D
  12. Charles.Plager

    It's cold out there...

    But that's no excuse! Of course, the couple feet of snow that was just dumped on us, that is really slowing down my riding. Read more at my latest entry: Dressed for Success
  13. Charles.Plager

    "Open Source" Bent Map

    Hi, One of the riders over at BROL has started a Google map that has the location of 'bent riders, stores, and manufactures. It's kinda a cool idea and not to hard to do it (or you can contact the author or me if you would like it added for you - US Zip code or equivalent)...
  14. Charles.Plager

    My Winter Vacation

    In the northeast, it's been tough finding time where it isn't too cold/icy to ride. Here's what I did instead. (snowshoeing and guitar...)
  15. Charles.Plager

    Bent Riders Online has a nice piece about Maria and her upcoming RAAM ride

    Hi, I just thought I'd mention that Bryan at Bent Riders online has a nice interview with Maria posted. He even made the thread he used to mention it sticky. :) Cheers, Charles
  16. Charles.Plager

    Derailleur hanger for conversion kit

    Hi, The derailleur hanger that came with the bike won't work with the kit. Where can I get a hanger that will work? Thanks, Charles
  17. Charles.Plager

    2,000 Miles on my Sofrider this year!

    Considering I probably haven't ridden bicycles for a total of 2,000 in all of my previous years, I'm quite proud of myself! 2,000 miles on my Cruzbike Sofrider this year. More details and stats in my blog post. Cheers, Charles
  18. Charles.Plager

    front Derailleur bracket is too small to fit around cruzbike tube

    Hi, I believe the "downtube" Hi, I believe the "downtube" on the conversion kit is 34.9 mm. They do sell derailleurs that work on that diameter. I don't know if you can find just the clamp to use the derailleur you already have or not.... Good luck, Charles
  19. Charles.Plager

    Bar Mitts and Bar End Mirrors

    Hi, A few weeks ago, I saw posted here a link to scooter bar mitts that were quite reasonably priced (~$16). The problem I had is that I have bar end mirrors and the mitts would interfere with that. Problem solved: For more details and pictures, you can visit my blog...
  20. Charles.Plager

    Problem with missing conversion pieces/folding threadless stems

    Hi, First, my (used) conversion kit was taken off of a converted bicycle, so it is missing certain parts. Using the parts list as the reference, I am missing C2 (dowel pin and 2 bolts), C5 (ahead tensioning bolt extention) and C6 (insert coffee). And just to make things more...