Search results

  1. ratz

    Spoking around.

    Now this would be an interesting wheel to test on the back of a Vendetta.
  2. ratz

    Farther, Faster, Fitter, Fun - (4F - The unofficial Cruzbike training team and support group)

    So…. you have purchased a shiny Cruzbike and now you want to go farther, faster for less effort and more fun. Or you want to maximize the smack down you put on those other bikes, or perhaps your friends who are afflicted with Bikeism. If so, then this is your thread. Ok then, what is it that...
  3. ratz

    Boom ... was that an S30 that just passed you?

    It's been a long time coming since Jim hinted in an email that this was coming 2 years ago. I'm excited. Gone is the front shock Gone is the associated weight Chain-stay is Vendetta style super stiff aluminum Rear suspension still there to smooth out the road...
  4. ratz

    Taking the training out on the open road.

    Disclaimer: I didn't think this was all that interesting; I was just out for a jaunt but Larry wants a ride report Training Regimen: 8-10 weeks of Trainer Road Traditional Base High Volume; with a self emposed MAF limit of 133 BPM to ensure aerobic compliance; when-ever possible Training...
  5. ratz

    Enjoy the Extra day U.S. riders.

    To all those riding long miles over the US Holiday week; role safe roll fast. And for those of us with the annual 100% forecast of rain; do a few extra for us.
  6. ratz

    FYI: Forums Organization Pending.

    Heads up crew; sometime this week when I have enough time to carefully do the work the forums will be Re-organized. The new structure will be as follows below. This is your heads up so you don't get shocks and so that if anything goes sides way you can alert us right away. I don't have an...
  7. ratz

    Advanced Figure 8's

    Since this is Minnesota; I thought I should evaluate the V20 for playing hockey. Goalie no; but maybe a middle defense man... oh wait, they don't play that way anymore. Anyhow here's some 10-mph Figure-8 drills. Something to work on when you think you have the slow stuff mastered. This is not...
  8. ratz

    What's on your feet - talking cycle shoes

    Would this be the foot fetish version of bike porn? DMT's top end R1 road shoe; super comfortable; and less money that mid grade sidi Genius and dominator. M1 is the MTB same design. When I found out I was going to need new shoes to use the P1 pedals I was hesitant to go with the R1 versus the...
  9. ratz

    Testing Strava Embedding

    It's now possible to embed strava rides just like you tube videos. and you get this.
  10. ratz

    Diet: Low Carb and Ultra Cycling

    Please read this first post before replying to this thread. Failure to do so may result in your reply being moved to it's own thread. We don't delete posts in almost all cases unless requested to by the poster; but we do occasionally move them to improve thread integrity, but even then it's...
  11. ratz

    Post V20 project items for sale

    It's that time Parts that didn't get used in the project new to get the heck out of my Shop. As well as other items that have be upgraded or otherwise replaced. Ground shipping USPS included if you buy more than $50 worth of stuff. Terms are Paypal or Personal Check. I will mark items as...
  12. ratz

    Power Meters for Sale

    So it's new bike season here in the work shop. While building the new one I discovered that our Power2Max cranks wont' fit the new frames. Issue is specific to the newest Cruzbike V20 when outfitted with SRAM Red Etap. These work fine on the Silvio's and even on a Quest if you are so inclined...
  13. ratz

    Why didn't I think of that.

    I can relate to this article. Why didn't I think of that.
  14. ratz

    Recumbent for Upper body use

    All... This message came from a new Member Bren, who intend to start a new thread but accidently made it a private message. So here you go a thread the question deserved. Hi, I last year had a stroke. I have learned how to ride a bike again. Would anyone have a good idea for a recumbent bike...
  15. ratz

    Spring Time - Learning To Ride Time

    Spring weather is teasing and the requests for help locating this information are flowing in. The official learning instructions are here: Don't miss the videos on that page, they explain far better than words. For those that prefer to live in the forum...
  16. ratz

    Future of the Profile Post

    So as we finish securing the forums, you may have noticed that we don't have a lot of tools to protect the profile posts from the spammer. So we want peoples feedback on the profile post feature and how you'd feel if we turned it off so that it doesn't act as an attractor to spammers. Profile...
  17. ratz

    Sebring 2016

    Jim in second place in the century 4:14:51 Lanier in fifth at 4:46:52 Henry not list but face book says he was in at 5:03 Larry not listed in the 100 results but in at 4:15.25 did he sprint Jim at the line? Looks like he...
  18. ratz

    Vendetta V20 Build diary 2016

    Create a User account on the forum to see the hires version of the photos Ok the time has come to do it again. All the parts are starting to roll in. I am going to build a Vendetta V20 with detailed photo documentation over the next Month. Disclaimer: Same as last time you can simply take...
  19. ratz

    Shipping a Silvio

    These might be informative for those that need to ship a silvio without completely taking the frame apart