Search results

  1. Gromit

    Bar End Shifters

    There are some interesting ideas regarding how to use "thumbies" / bar end shifters on a Cruzbike in this thread. :) Edit This thread too. ;) :)
  2. Gromit

    Pantour suspension hub in "hardtail" conversions

    I cannot disagreed with your points John. What does puzzle me however, is that a lot of bike manufacturers appear to have used the Pantour hubs successfully in their bikes. Go figure! :) I have no connection with Pantour BTW. In the UK, we say tyre. The same as you guys in Oz. ;)
  3. Gromit

    Pantour suspension hub in "hardtail" conversions

    Wouldn't applying the brakes have the effect of "locking out" the suspension movement whilst the pads were against the rim though? I notice that the issue of braking is covered in several of Pantour's FAQs. (Toward the bottom of the web page).
  4. Gromit

    Pantour suspension hub in "hardtail" conversions

    Just had a thought. :) I don't intend to build a "hardtail" Cruzbike conversion but I just wondered whether anybody had thought of trying a Pantour suspension hub (front type) in the rear of such a conversion? ;) :) Would it work? If so, would it help soften the ride that much? Edit. I...
  5. Gromit

    Handlebar vs. knee positioning/setup

    2 and 3a are the right answers. :) 2. Your knees should be in front of the bars so you'll need to move the seat forward. 3a. Use a shorter, rigid, non-adjustable stem for less forward offset. You may also find this article on the differences between the Cruzbike Sofrider V1 and V2 helpful.
  6. Gromit

    Folding Bike Conversion

    Have you searched through the other folding bikes on There are over 700 folding bikes listed. There may be one on there similar to a Downtube or something else suitable. :)
  7. Gromit

    my new Silvio

    Welcome to the Cruzbike forums. A while back, Doug was experimenting with alternative handlebars for a Silvio avoiding the use of brifters. He hasn't updated the thread in a while so I guess that it is still work in progress. ;) :)
  8. Gromit

    Silvio Cruzbike Site Entry - Warning

    I think that the Dark Beer thread is related to this in some way. ;) :)
  9. Gromit

    Bang for Buck front light for the Silvio

    Hi Kendrick Would you please post a link to the particular thread on the dealextreme forum. :)
  10. Gromit

    Vendetta Prototype, first pic.

    Is this a new Cruzbike concept? Could you offer a more detailed explanation? Thanks for your answers. :)
  11. Gromit

    Vendetta Prototype, first pic.

    The seat is fixed. See John Tolhurst's blog for confirmation. :) I just noticed in that same blog entry, John says, "There is no suspension". So there is the answer to my and Nanda front suspension questions. ;) :)
  12. Gromit

    Vendetta Prototype, first pic.

    Will you keep the front suspension in the final version or will it be removed to save weight?
  13. Gromit

    Trying out the "competition" - M5 Citymate/CMPCT

    I agree that changing between a moving bottom bracket recumbent and a recumbent without a MBB feels strange at first. When I test rode my new bike, I felt comfortable again after ten minutes or so though. :) I assume that you are thinking about the Sigma as a replacement for the Freerider so...
  14. Gromit

    Trying out the "competition" - M5 Citymate/CMPCT

    I used to own a bike E CT. That was a compact long wheelbase bike without suspension. I feel that the longer recumbents don't suffer from a lack of suspension that much. Did you notice that a fairing is available for the Sigma? :) "The Sigma and a front fairing is a match made in heaven...
  15. Gromit

    Trying out the "competition" - M5 Citymate/CMPCT

    I test rode a M5 Citymate some years ago. I hated the "tiller" effect of the steering too. Maybe you should try the Cruzbike Sigma. ;) :) Sorry to hear about your crash. :cry:
  16. Gromit

    New Convert

    I'm not in the USA so do not know where to buy the handlebars but if it any help, here is a picture of some Sofrider style handlebars. The picture above is of a Kalloy AL-030 handlebar. I believe that this is the Sofrider's standard bar perhaps John Tolhurst would confirm that? :)
  17. Gromit

    Suspension or no suspension

    Why not build a Silvio? Full suspension and lighter in weight. :)
  18. Gromit

    build #8 will be

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Gromit

    Fix for the loose plug for the old crank housing

    Good idea. :) My Sofrider's crank housing plugs didn't fall out in the year and a half that I had it though, apparently, they can fall out in less than a hundred miles. ;) :)
  20. Gromit

    build #8 will be

    You're welcome buyagain. :) I guess that you spotted defjack as well as Mark B? ;)