Search results

  1. Gromit

    Diego's Cruzbike

    Fishtail thing? What do you mean? :?
  2. Gromit

    Diego's Cruzbike

    Interesting web site. The web site launches loads of pop-ups windows, so turn on your pop-up blocker before visiting it. ;) :)
  3. Gromit

    The Scottish Conversion

    A seat post rack perhaps? I used to have a Topeak MTX BeamRack (A-Type) on my Sofrider. I had the A-Type to maximise the clearance over the rear wheel. Maybe on your conversion, a straight seat post rack would be fine. You could attach your rucksack to the rack with bungee cords. The...
  4. Gromit

    Thumbies for Silvio

    Hi Doug Has the thumbies project been taken off your "back burner" because they just didn't perform too well? I just wondered, because, as you know, there is a bit of debate regarding cruiser bars/alternative controls at the moment. ;) :)
  5. Gromit

    2009 Silvio Frameset

    That is a great idea Jon. :) I wonder if the seller would go for it, if Currystomper asked. ;) :) I guess that you could even find a shipment agency that would crate up the Silvio too.
  6. Gromit

    2009 Silvio Frameset

    Currystomper Seems, you are out of luck, sadly. :( Gromit
  7. Gromit

    2009 Silvio Frameset

    Currystomper I've responded to your Private Message. :)
  8. Gromit

    Bright leds lighting

    I fear that we may have drifted a little off-topic. :lol: Though I guess that as the original poster buyagain, that's up to you to decide. ;) :)
  9. Gromit

    Bright leds lighting

    That's okay buyagain. Thanks for the idea about aiming the tail light in the "light borrower's" eyes but I've thought of a much more effective solution. A nice bright headlight! On my mountain bike, I could turn my head around to face him. :lol: On a recumbent, one cannot easily turn one's...
  10. Gromit

    Bright leds lighting

    I don't remember writing anything regarding keeping opposing traffic guessing. :? Where was that? :) If I really wanted to keep 'em guessing then I'd not bother fitting any lights like a lot of cyclists over here. :lol: The other night whilst out on my mountain bike, I found myself...
  11. Gromit

    Bright leds lighting

    This thread may be of help if your torch will take CR123A size rechargeable batteries
  12. Gromit

    Trek Y26 for sale in Daly City, CA for $500.00

    $500 for the Trek Y26 bike + $395 for the conversion kit = $895 :? Brand new, Cruzbike Freerider = $995 ;) Brand new, Cruzbike Sofrider = $1,175 ;) BTW You might as well fit the stock seat back on to the Trek, as no one is going to have any need for the bigger and more comfortable...
  13. Gromit

    Now for build components...

    MBB = Moving Bottom Bracket :) Rohloff? The Silvio's has a 130mm dropout width. The standard for road bike frames. The Rohloff is 135mm wide. The standard for mountain bike frames. :cry:
  14. Gromit

    Silvio cruiser

    Bacchetta makes several, different versions. One is 22 inches wide. Calhoun Cycle have a good range of bars including adjustable, Bacchetta style, tweener bars that will open up to 26 1/2 inches.
  15. Gromit

    Silvio cruiser

    I wonder if Bacchetta 'tweener' bars might work? :) You could fit them sort of upside down compared with the way that they are usually fitted on one of their bikes.
  16. Gromit


  17. Gromit

    SF bay area (south bay)?

    Good luck Dave. I hope that you like the Silvio. :)
  18. Gromit

    SF bay area (south bay)?

    Would you care to list your concerns? ;) :) Sorry that I cannot help with the test ride. I'm a continent away and no longer have a Cruzbike myself.
  19. Gromit

    Front Shock Question

    Direct link ;) :)
  20. Gromit

    Silvio for sale

    You can see the cityscape in the background of the pictures in craigsj's first post. :) I wonder if the SJ in craigsj's username equals San Jose? Just a guess. Though the handlebars and shifters seem to have been changed since then. Time for some new pictures perhaps? ;) :)