Search results

  1. Jim Parker

    B2B Cruzbike tandem from two T50s

    Yesterday I put up a Youtube video with this description: We call it the "push-me-pull-you", made by friends of ours who like to make stuff. We donated two T50s and got this back on loan. It's quite fun to ride. Maria loves the clear view to the rear, looking straight into the eyes of...
  2. Jim Parker

    Short crank questions answered here

    Cruzbike recently ordered a quantity of high quality short cranks made by Croder Cycling in Taiwan. These are now listed for sale on our website. We have been looking for high quality lightweight 145mm cranks for many years, and then came across these cranks at the big bicycle show in Taipei...
  3. Jim Parker

    Cd*A testing in preparation for the WTTC in November

    Maria and I went out for a 40 mile training ride this morning, including four out-and-back laps on the "Tropical Trail" which is a beautiful road that is only a few meters from the Indian River on the Space Coast of Florida. Maria started out with a stock rear wheel, and I started out with a...
  4. Jim Parker

    Another V20/V20c rear rack option: the S40 rear rack

    The Vendetta is not just for racing. For those who find the V20/V20c their go-to bike for commuting or long leisurely trips, there is naturally an interest in carrying stuff on a rear rack with or without panniers. There is a good thread about this here. Another option is to use the S40 rear...
  5. Jim Parker

    T50e battery charger replacement

    If you have a lost or damaged charger for your T50e, here are some options. Cruzbike does not stock spare chargers, but they are readily available on the market. The original charger is Model DZL (M) 3710A0 with output of 42.0V and 2.0A. This charger for $57 is listed as a specific replacement...
  6. Jim Parker

    SOLD: Beloved Q45 for sale, Space Coast of Florida

    This has been my go-to bike for riding around town and to the beach. The boss says I need to be riding the latest model, so out with the old, in with the new. I think this is model year 2019, which uses QR skewers, not through-axles. Gearing is 11-speed 11-40 cassette with a 38T chainring. SRAM...
  7. Jim Parker

    Adjustable Carbon Fiber Seat on the S40

    I recently wrote and posted a blog about the installation and use of the Cruzbike Adjustable CF seat on the S40. Check it out here.
  8. Jim Parker

    Maria Parker will be interviewed while Zwift riding

    Friday, January 22, 2021 at 6:00 a.m. CST Tune in to Discord and listen and/or talk with Maria as she chats with Cruzbike rider David Bell. Details below from David: Join us for the Herd’s Kibbitz, Chinwag and Ride while we talk with fun and interesting people. Think of our ride as Comedians...
  9. Jim Parker

    Welcome to the new spot to talk about ZWIFT

    Zwift has become a very important part of many Cruzbike owners winter training, especially in this time of a pandemic. Riding a bike on an indoor trainer is notoriously dull. Zwift, with its colorful worlds and avatars, makes riding indoors really fun. It can also provide a very satisfying...
  10. Jim Parker

    Too big or too small for Cruzbike? Check the Chart. Take the Poll.

    I recently wrote a blog about which potential Cruzbike owners should definitely find a test ride, and who may go straight to owning a Cruzbike without much worry that the bike won't be a good fit. I created these charts based on my experience with customers and the bikes. I'd like to know how...
  11. Jim Parker

    Memorial to Würzburg Bombing Victims

    On a bicycling vacation one does not expect to confront the horrors of World War II. Maria has been blogging elsewhere about our trip to Europe with our Cruzbike Q45s. This post is about a moving experience not directly related to Cruzbike. Bicycling all day through Bavaria and strolling the...
  12. Jim Parker

    Parkers continue touring: Europe on Q45s

    Many of you know that Maria and I recently finished an 11-day 1800 mile loop of the southeastern US, driving an RV with two T50s on the back to explore the local environs. For details, see Maria's recent blogs. It was one of the best vacations I've ever taken. But we got a few emails from...
  13. Jim Parker

    Marcel Graber is racing in Oman

    Marcel won the Trans America race last year in a velomobile. He is currently racing on a Cruzbike V20 in Oman (Arabian peninsula). This is a 1050 km (652 mile) race with 7200m (23,622 ft) of climbing His Livetracking with photos and info live from the race is on: The...
  14. Jim Parker

    Hurricane Florence passing through

    Maria and I wanted to thank everyone for the well-wishes we have been receiving from the Cruzbike community as the storm approaches. We are staying in town because I am on-call at the local hospital where I work. The eye of the storm is expected to pass 30-40 miles south of Lumberton, NC. We...
  15. Jim Parker

    Bike Virginia coming up!

    Maria and I will be riding in this tour and would love to see anyone in the area stop by to say hello. We will be camping with the group. Most likely we will be riding our V20s. The theme this year is “Ride the River”. The dates are June 22–27, 2018. Here's more info from their website. "Join...
  16. Jim Parker

    Keeping an eye on the TransAm race

    Dave Lewis is in a lightweight CF velomobile about 1200 miles into the race and sitting in 10th place. And... Kansas is coming. This is pretty amazing considering the hills he just climbed. While he's not riding a Cruzbike, velomobiles are a recumbent...
  17. Jim Parker

    Raven Rock Ramble, North Carolina

    Here are a couple of photos taken after the event. L>R : Jim, Doug, and Larry. Hundreds of riders picked various routes. This trio did the 100-mile. Larry would have beat me by a lot this year, but he took a wrong turn (actually a U-turn) AND got a flat. We still finished together. My average...
  18. Jim Parker

    Bike Sebring 2018

    It's been a long cold winter! Almost all of my riding has been in the garage. But Maria and I will be packing up the bikes and heading to Sebring, FL in 2.5 weeks. Fast time or slow time, it's always a great time for a Cruzbike get-together at a recumbent-friendly race in sunny Florida. We hope...
  19. Jim Parker

    easy testing of aerodynamic drag

    I recently tested which has apparently replaced the online tool by R. Chung that used to be found at for using your power meter and a quiet road loop to do Cd*A testing. Using the old system was quite cumbersome, requiring the use of a DOS shell and...
  20. Jim Parker

    History of Recumbent Teams in Race Across America

    RAAM is a bit like the Super Bowl of Ultracycling. And like the Super Bowl, it's more fun to watch if you know some history (and trivia) of the event. I am posting this to give some basic information that may enhance your appreciation/enjoyment of the 36th annual RAAM. Over 50 teams from a...