Cruzbike Time Trial Challenge 2020


Wind might be a bit of a factor, but it wasn't that different and my route is an out and back so anything I lose one way should be balanced on the other half.
In my experience, wind is a huge factor, in two ways.

First, a stronger wind will have a bigger impact on your out versus back time differential and the loss into the headwind will drag your overall average speed down. If my speed differential is only 1 mph, I’ll have a good time. In a strong wind, my speed differential can be 3-4mph and my round trip time will be crap.

Second, I will have a better overall time if I start into the wind. When I am fresh, the headwind isn’t as punishing. If I finish into the wind, the last mile is brutal and it’s really hard to keep pushing.

My best gains have been in light wind. In recent weeks, I’ve been seeking those out because I don’t think I can make another PB in a 15 mph wind.

Rob Lloyd

Well-Known Member
This year is my first go round with a TT, and I am amazed at how variable my results can be from week to week. Last week I had to go 3 times before I was able to set a new PB - and then only by 5 seconds. This week on my 1st attempt I went 28 seconds faster, and my average HR was lower. Wind might be a bit of a factor, but it wasn't that different and my route is an out and back so anything I lose one way should be balanced on the other half. Time of day? Not really very different. Nutrition? Same. I have a lot to learn, and I don't know how I'm going to get better next week.

There's a feature in Strava that let's you compare efforts on the same course. It can show you where you picked up (or dropped off) between 2 or more runs. I find it very useful. It was clear that most of my time was made up in the slow spots - turns, turn-around, and climbs.

Bill Wightman

Well-Known Member
This year is my first go round with a TT, and I am amazed at how variable my results can be from week to week. Last week I had to go 3 times before I was able to set a new PB - and then only by 5 seconds. This week on my 1st attempt I went 28 seconds faster, and my average HR was lower. Wind might be a bit of a factor, but it wasn't that different and my route is an out and back so anything I lose one way should be balanced on the other half. Time of day? Not really very different. Nutrition? Same. I have a lot to learn, and I don't know how I'm going to get better next week.
I think you answered your own question. If you have the ability to grow back fast enough to ride three TTs in one week and still get a PB on the last then sounds like an optimization problem. Maybe try two TTs per week for a while with more rest in-between. Not enough data but maybe riding that much in a week really works for you, then a week of rest, repeat, who knows?
As for me, a long weekend group ride, a TT, and maybe a third shorty ride somewhere in there is all I need. I use the shorty ride as equipment check out. I took off my front derailleur and found out it was keeping my chain from flying off in both directions, so I reinstalled an old derailleur guide back to lead/guide the chain mostly for bumpy road surfaces, works fine.
We had a fun 75-miler that ended in 95 degree heat. I have improved my pressurized/thermally insulated water bladder so that the water was still cool after that four hour hot ride with no re-loading. Tinkering is fun.


I received some curiosity questions from an elderly gent as I was doing my TT this morning. He was cooling down after a long ride and I was barely able to catch him into a decent headwind on a bike with cruzbike better aero than his.

I also received a huge :emoji_ok_hand: and “ride on” from an obviously serious experienced young roadie.

And my friend on his cervelo s5 in a supertuck has just barely better aero than me on my Cruzbike kit seen in my avatar. We match in size and shape. My bike has 26*1.75” bald panaracers he has conti road tubulars. I had my legs pinched on the head tube, arms tucked in and visored helmet down as far as possible. We were coasting the same speed to start down a slight grade and he eventually started to pull away. And the weight difference between bikes is significant as mine is around 34lbs.


Well-Known Member
There's a feature in Strava that let's you compare efforts on the same course. It can show you where you picked up (or dropped off) between 2 or more runs. I find it very useful. It was clear that most of my time was made up in the slow spots - turns, turn-around, and climbs.
I also love that compare feature on Strava. Helps me see the wind effect & tells me where more effort is needed.


Well-Known Member
Making Tracks


Nice! Somebody mowed the lawn while I was out doing the TT.

Another perfect day for a TT. Started out with an amazing pace (for me), sometimes holding slightly more than 21 mph. Feeling strong. Started to get a little suspicious about my speed as I approached the first split. This just seemed too easy. Hit the first split well under time at 20.9 mph average speed. Whoo Hoo! My goal was 20.3 mph. As I went around the west end of the loop, my suspicions were confirmed. A rare, but fortunately light, east wind had been pushing me. Now pedaling into a light headwind, my speed dropped. Figured I would make it up on the beginning of the next lap which would be downwind. My mental math says that I should average 20.4 mph to make up for what I will lose on the final upwind leg. Easier said than done. The last split, I was only a few seconds under, and I had 3 miles of light headwind. I hit the finish at 5 seconds under my goal, according to my stop watch. But, I hit a little bump at the start and double clicked the stop watch so I had to restart it. Did I restart it more that 5 seconds late? Strava says that I got it (a PR), but Larry consistently has me a little slower than what Strava reports. Did I or didn't I? Time will tell.

My Wahoo Bolt glitched again, and did not upload. Fortunately, I also recorded on my iPhone. Whew!
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Well-Known Member
Here is a short video of Week 15, this time with the camera ( Action SV5AW) mounted upright rather than on its side. Much better video. Not sure what happened to the audio, but I am sure no one really wants to listen to me panting and gasping.



Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Here is a short video of Week 15, this time with the camera ( Action SV5AW) mounted upright rather than on its side. Much better video. Not sure what happened to the audio, but I am sure no one really wants to listen to me panting and gasping.
Great job Kerry - and 9 sec PB to go with it. Beat me by a lot. I only had a 1 sec PB - but I'' take it (I can blame the truck-trailer combo that pulled in front of me than stopped dead at the round-about) - I was planning on going out last evening and try again, but it poured rain for 3 solid hours and then it was dark. God's way of telling me not to do it I guess! haha
I did just get back from my morning ride and will publish my video when complete.


I aborted today’s attempt at week 16.
I went out too hard into the wind trying to set a new pace on the outbound. The power average to do that was 30 watts higher than last week’s average and by the turn around my candles were burnt. I pushed the next 5km at last week’s power level but it was clear starting the last interval that I would need to hit my target pace for week 21 to the finish and I didn’t have the gas for looped around to try another day.

Wind is scheduled to be light Wednesday and punishing the rest of the week.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
My week #16 was five seconds short of PB, so I may try again. To help me feel better I then tried to best my time from the prison (formerly Boys' Industrial School, once home to Bob Hope) to town. I ended up KOM of the "Prison to Lancaster" segment! Of course, mostly downhill segments favor the V20, but I'll take it.
Love a KOM like this . Of course KOM should be KOD (King of Downhill) - haha - Does not quite roll off the tongue the same way! :D
In my experience, wind is a huge factor, in two ways.

First, a stronger wind will have a bigger impact on your out versus back time differential and the loss into the headwind will drag your overall average speed down. If my speed differential is only 1 mph, I’ll have a good time. In a strong wind, my speed differential can be 3-4mph and my round trip time will be crap.

Second, I will have a better overall time if I start into the wind. When I am fresh, the headwind isn’t as punishing. If I finish into the wind, the last mile is brutal and it’s really hard to keep pushing.

My best gains have been in light wind. In recent weeks, I’ve been seeking those out because I don’t think I can make another PB in a 15 mph wind.

This is so true, the worst enemies on a loop TT are a strong wind in either direction as you never gain back what you lose on the headwind sections. Less important on a longer ride as you can just gear down to a comfortable cadence, but like you I alwaye plan routes to be headwind first.
In my opinion the next worst is a gusty cross wind as you spend so much more effort just trying to keep the bike going in a straight line.
For my course, a short 4-mile loop, then a generally north-easterly wiggly line, southerly is best, northerly worst, but I generally look for the lightest wind day possible in any week.

It's really tricky to chose which day to go for, much like Larry I can generally manage one hard TT effort in a week plus another couple of rides, mostly becasue I have a back problem going back about two years ago when I got sideswiped at a roundabout. At the moment a hard effort one day means I can't ride the next.


Well-Known Member
I realised I could buy ‘better’ TT wheels in the Zwift shop this week. I went 30 seconds faster for 12 watts more than my previous power PR - I finally hit 4 w/kg for the first time in my life too, so a great week 16 for me. I’ve been trying for 2 years!


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I realised I could buy ‘better’ TT wheels in the Zwift shop this week. I went 30 seconds faster for 12 watts more than my previous power PR - I finally hit 4 w/kg for the first time in my life too, so a great week 16 for me. I’ve been trying for 2 years!
Way to go!!!!


Well-Known Member
Great job Kerry - and 9 sec PB to go with it. Beat me by a lot. I only had a 1 sec PB


I will be glad to trade you my 9 seconds under for your 1 second under + your additional 6.15 mph average speed. Yikes! I always thought I was in decent shape. Looks like I have lots of room for improvement.

I think that I will start making equipment changes in the last four of the last 6 weeks. That will include shoes, pedals, and possibly home brew wheel covers. It will be fun to see the changes. Maybe I can catch up with Larry...


I had a strange encounter on my route today.
I was on a farm road at a good pace (trying to up my power 3-5 watts from last week’s TT) coming up to a tractor in the field beside me. I slowed a bit in case it came up to the road, but it turned right at the edge of the field going the same direction as me. The problem was the spray attachment he had on the back extended wider than the road trapping me behind him at about 10 km/hr until he turned back across the field at the end of his farm.
Apparently I’m not meant to go fast this week.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I will be glad to trade you my 9 seconds under for your 1 second under + your additional 6.15 mph average speed. Yikes! I always thought I was in decent shape. Looks like I have lots of room for improvement.

I think that I will start making equipment changes in the last four of the last 6 weeks. That will include shoes, pedals, and possibly home brew wheel covers. It will be fun to see the changes. Maybe I can catch up with Larry...
Remember Kerry, it is not about comparing your speed or power to someone else (you can always find someone stronger, faster, or better looking!) , it is about improvement! I'll never catch Jason or Marco - I am just chasing myself - that is enough to keep me motivated.
If you want to get stronger and go faster in a TT like this: Trying doing a couple of these sets each week (give yourself time to recover before doing you TT of course):


I switched to a new bike for week 16. I put it together a couple of weeks ago and have been debating the switch. In the end, it seemed perverse to have it and not see what I could do with it.

Same basic geometry.
Basso 7kg lighter.
Basso frame slightly longer - almost doesn't fit on the bike rack on the truck.
Basso bars shorter by about 4cm.
Seat angle looks closer than it feels at the waist.
Much more aero bag on the Basso.
Gear range is very close, but 2x on the Basso versus 3x on the Giro

I haven't moved the power pedals over to the new bike. I wanted the two sided pedals until I was sure I had the right setup.
I used heart rate as a guide to my level of effort, along with feel in the legs (knowing that isn't entirely trust worthy) and kept them close to my last couple of weeks.

Huge time difference. I met my goal for week 21 today. Now a month to get my fitness level up for a new goal. KOM on my segment looked impossible in week 2, but I kind of want it.