Cruzbike Time Trial Challenge 2020

Rob Lloyd

Well-Known Member
My first ever 'bent experience, trying half a dozen at a local dealer [luckily one of the UKs most well known is a few miles down the road] I was getting a decent amount of speed up on a 26" wheel Bachhetta when I hit a slippy white line and went down hard on my rhs.

Wearing winter gear, March, drizzly, sliding along the road on right hip, shoulder and ankle. I still have the socks with a perfect round hole corresponding exactly to the scar on my ankle bone.

Shoulder and hip were nothing worse than heavy bruising. I'm fairly sure some naughty words were used. Still didn't diminish my enthusiasm.

I have road rash from my right butt cheek, all the way down to my calf. With a couple of breaks where my torn bibs rolled up and protected me. Somehow, I must’ve spun around to my left side, as my left cheek has a bit of rash, too. As well as my left elbow.

Sitting is... uncomfortable to say the least.

Yesterday, I bought some Nike Pro baseball sliding shorts. They’ll be under my kit next time.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I got it. Unfortunately, I’m not quite ready for it yet. Most of my wounds are still too wet. Need to scab over first and dry out, I think.
Rob, you have it backwards - you don't want it to scab over. The Tegaderm (with Silvdine ointment) keeps the wound wet all all time and lets the new skin grow up through it. It seems like a mess - but it works. Done right, you never scab over and never scar, and heal up 3 times faster. You could be riding your TT again next weekend - mostly healed up

Rob Lloyd

Well-Known Member
Rob, you have it backwards - you don't want it to scab over. The Tegaderm (with Silvdine ointment) keeps the wound wet all all time and lets the new skin grow up through it. It seems like a mess - but it works. Done right, you never scab over and never scar, and heal up 3 times faster. You could be riding your TT again next weekend - mostly healed up

I cant get the Silvadene until Tuesday at the earliest. I tried the tegaderm, but it just filled up with fluid (a lot!). I didn’t think that was right. So, I peeled them off.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I cant get the Silvadene until Tuesday at the earliest. I tried the tegaderm, but it just filled up with fluid (a lot!). I didn’t think that was right. So, I peeled them off.
Rob, keep the Tegaderm on for now, even if you don't have the Silvadine. Just make sure the wound is really clean so it won't get infected and put the Tegaderm back on it. Idea is to keep it all moist so a scab won't form. Some versions of these patches have a Silvadine type ointment embedded in them too. It will get gooey and might even leak with lots of movement - I kept having to put more tape on the edges so it would not leak - and sometime is still did.


What is the silvadine? Is that a brand name ? Could you substitute a polysporin until the silvadine is available? I’m no medic-these are purely questions.
What is the silvadine? Is that a brand name ? Could you substitute a polysporin until the silvadine is available? I’m no medic-these are purely questions.
A good place to start: google “silvadene for road rash”
Silvadene is a trade name for silver sulfadiazine in a cream.


Zen MBB Master
What is the silvadine? Is that a brand name ? Could you substitute a polysporin until the silvadine is available? I’m no medic-these are purely questions.

Actually, the poly/neosporin under the waterproof covering does a good job. Same deal - keeps a scab from forming and hastens healing
I' m guessing Tegaderm is a US brand name, but sounds like an alginate or hydrocolloid dressing? If so then I'm with the rest of the crowd, leave it on. I've used similar on a burn previously and it looks awful as the fluid accumulates underneath it, but it really does work.

Rob Lloyd

Well-Known Member
Yeah, they actually look a lot better today after a day with the Tegaderm on. Only problem is, they don’t make a patch big enough for my right cheek. So, I used a non-stick pad and some neosporin. So far, so good.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Yeah, they actually look a lot better today after a day with the Tegaderm on. Only problem is, they don’t make a patch big enough for my right cheek. So, I used a non-stick pad and some neosporin. So far, so good.
If the patches are not big enough - just layer them . most of them are sticky backed and will layer nicely. I have had to layer 6 of them before.


I concur with everything Larry said about Tegaderm. I’ve had good results with Neosporin. Probably any reputable anti-bacterial will work.


Well-Known Member
My legs were feeling pretty darn good Saturday night, so I knew Sunday was the day I was going to destroy my personal record. To commemorate the sheer awesomeness of this momentous occasion, I kludged up a mount for my newly arrived Action SV5AW. It will run for about 2 hours on the internal battery, with external power, it is supposed to record for about 4 hours before the 32 GB micro SD card is filled. It has a lot of nice features, such as HDMI out, and can be controlled via Android or IOS devices. It also has a sensor then can detect if it is rotated 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Unfortunately, at 90 and 270 degrees, the video format is changed. For my quickie mount, I needed to rotate it 90 degrees. I do not like that format, and will need to find a better mounting system.


The camera comes with a huge amount of mounting options. My quickie home brew mount is attached to the camera.


Camera mounted and ready for action.

My first TT video was captured with this:


A tiny camera which attaches to the glasses frame. It included camera, sunglasses, USB/micro SD adapter, attachment bands, and a couple pages of instructions. All for about $35.00. I am happy with the performance, given the small size and low cost.

Here is part of today's ride: Oops. Technical difficulties. Will try again.

So much for the record. I do not know what happened. Right at the start, I had trouble maintaining pace, and things got worse from there. It was such a perfect day, virtually no wind, maybe 1-3 kts, nice temperature, and sunny. At first, I thought that the firmware upgrade was causing the computer to display incorrect data, but my stop watch showed me a few seconds slow at the first split, and the seconds continued to pile up. I do not get it. My brain was screaming at my legs to get going, but there was just no power. I sure would like to know why some days I have 'it", and other days, like today, I do not. My only mishap was minor, I slipped out of my left heal strap, which allowed my heel to scrape the ground. Inconsequential to my speed, just a minor distraction.

Next week, look out, I am gunning for y'all.
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Be like @DARYLHANGER945 and ride at 4 am. Lower winds, temperatures, and traffic.
Don't be like Daryl. All the effort to get up extra early to fet that effort in was almost foiled by not beeing able to see the road. I had not thought about the limited ways I had to mount my headlight to the Nocom and 4 out of the 5 ways I dried resulted in no light on the road. The 5th way required me keeping my chin tucked in so that the light was pointed downward enough. I was so exhausted from waking up at 3:30 to get that ride in before heading straight to work. Since then I now have to try and fit my rides in around going to the hospital daily to visit my new daughter in the Nicu. When is Cruzbike going to make a child version of the Vendetta?


I did the week 15 TT this morning with new shoes and power pedals. I was surprised how different my measured power was from the estimates Strava had been making. A breath of a tailwind made the return leg a bit friendlier than the outbound leg.

I think I can squeeze out a few more watts before we finish.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I did the week 15 TT this morning with new shoes and power pedals. I was surprised how different my measured power was from the estimates Strava had been making. A breath of a tailwind made the return leg a bit friendlier than the outbound leg.
You must be riding something slower than Strava has an as average for the actual power to be higher than their estimate when not user power. Since I ride a recumbent, their estimate is always way high if I don't ride with my power meter.
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