Cruzbike Time Trial Challenge 2020

Chill man, put your efforts into finding another GC rider. I wish I'd known this was your thread before I spoke.

Maybe I should only be talking about the British lack of talent this year, instead of the facts.
It looks like I'll not be ending with a PB, having gone out harder-than-usual this weekend. That's okay, this TT has pushed me harder that I would have, so that's good. The second image below is from the second half, after I changed my route to a flatter & less-exposed one. Many thanks, Larry, for hosting this event. I'm looking forward to receiving my participation trophy.

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It looks like I'll not be ending with a PB, having gone out harder-than-usual this weekend. That's okay, this TT has pushed me harder that I would have, so that's good. The second image below is from the second half, after I changed my route to a flatter & less-exposed one. Many thanks, Larry, for hosting this event. I'm looking forward to receiving my participation trophy.
Your charts look like nice gains over the course of the Challenge to me.

I too enjoyed the event and definitely pushed myself further than I would have on my own for the summer. I finished off today a bit better than 2 minutes faster than what I considered a stretch goal back in May.

If winds are light Friday, I might go out with my daughter and let her yell at me to go faster one more time (first I’ll see her since Covid).


Well-Known Member
I did my final TT today. I was determined to finish with a PR. I told myself before I started that no matter how much it hurt, I was going to hack the suffering. I finished with a new power PR and 9 seconds faster although I think I have now pushed as far as I want to into the realm of psychological suffering :) The last 5 minutes were an eternity.

I also want to say a massive thanks to Larry for organising this and doing so much work week in week out collating all the data - it's been a blast and I really appreciate all the work you have put in. I've set some new personal records during this challenge so it's been a really positive thing to do, so thank you very much for giving us all something to get motivated about Larry, you're a star.
Great going NB, there is a big psychological difference between riding the same course week in, week out vs just going out for a hard ride, staying motivated for 21 weeks is not easy.


Well-Known Member
It was ‘easy’ to stay motivated up until the point where you start to get a little bit of dread in advance of an effort because you know how much it’s going to hurt and how much your mind is going to rebel. Having pushed a bit further down that road than I’ve ever done before, I’m starting to wonder how the hour record people keep their sanity :)


I did 3 TTs for the last week. First one was windy and I gained 11 seconds. Second was yesterday in light wind and managed another 13 seconds.

Today my daughter was here to make sure I followed the guidance her Alberta based team had laid out for my run to the finish.

She and the Calgary crew were pretty sure I could go a lot faster. She went out with me to encourage me to reach my potential. She's strong enough to stay far enough away to keep me from drafting. She went ahead to confirm blind corners were clear and reminded me where to keep pushing. I really wanted to beat the guy who stole KOM on my segment, which would mean all 9 minute intervals.

First interval into the wind: right on pace. Maintaining the pace through the two corners helped. Second interval into the wind was a bit slow, maybe a couple of slow corners, but probably my habitual slacking off.

Third interval had lots of corners, some of which I took a bit slow even with a guide, but I milked the tailwind and gained some time back on my target. Fourth interval had a nice long tailwind section I built a buffer on and she reminded me to finish out the last kilometre, 500 metres, sprint - I failed most of the sprint but got up to speed to cross the line with my max heart rate.

bottom line: 2:23 faster than PB 19 last week (Peter in the spreadsheet).

I find it interesting that my average heart rate was only 8 bpm higher than week 2 when I got my first personal best.

Without this challenge, I wouldn't have imagined going that fast for any distance. Thanks all.
Can you send your daughter over here next season, she sounds like a great coach.

No ride for me this weekend, we have 25mph sustained and 45-50mph gusting winds due to a big low sat over northern europe. There's no way I'll get a PB in that and there's no point going out just to get the 100% ride record I'd been hoping for this year. So it's back to the turbo trainer again, pretending I'm Lance trying to win for Kazakhstan, or that nobody from the UAE who just won the tour :).


Well-Known Member
Interestingly, last year Johan Bruyneel called out Pogačar as a force to be reckoned with, and here he is. I’ve come to realise that almost all Bruyneel’s picks tend to do really well. Guy knows his stuff.


Well-Known Member
Hi Larry,

Thanks so much for running the TT. It as been very motivating. I really needed a good kick in the you-know-where to get going. My first indoor ride on the "V" after the accident took about 40 minutes to go 6.1 miles on a Kinomap ride around New York's Central Park. Now I do twice the distance in a little less time in real life on a trike. So doing the TT has been a big help. Besides, when my legs are burning, and my lungs are burning, my ankle does not seem to hurt so much.

The weird thing is that all my PBs were set using block pedals with toe clips, heal straps, and high top trail running shoes. Not a single one with my fancy light weight cycling shoes and Look pedals. I guess next time I should wear ankle weights...
Another year of summertime fun, superbly marshalled by Larry. I thought my TT dayas were behind me, but this has been great fun again, even with sucesses few and far between. It's been much tougher this year, with an opening run faster than all but one of last year's rides, and on a much trickier course with lots of technical corners and nowhere to hide from the winds. My notes agianst each week's run make for some very interesting reading, and it's clear that I need a different course again next year to neutralise the effect of weather.

Now for the winter of discontent, turbo training begins again with a nice base-building block aided by Netflix - it's amaxing what cr@p I'll subject myself to in order to relieve the boredom of the turbo.


Off the long run
I got back out on the bike yesterday, but alas too late for a TT. However it was the final Castle Coombe race track evening so with the ankle-biters not interested, I just started doing laps in the fading sunlight. I lost count, but once it was pretty dark and I thought I was the last person on the course I gave it up. Only 30 miles* but at 20mph throughout. Unheard of in the V2k days.

I don't train for cycling, so my winter will mostly be in the front room to the tune of Les Mills Grit Cardio and some Indian Clubs. Cricket nets might reappear in January with any luck.

* I'm a sugar-burning intervals specialist. I could probably do a century, but you'd have to keep me under very tight orders and stop me getting bored.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Congrats again to everyone who participated in the 2020 Cruzbike TT Challenge - It was great fun, but I am also relieved that I don't have to go out and ride another TT next week! haha

Cruzbike is getting ready to have the Medallions made and sent out. They are providing this to everyone who actively participated in the challenge.
If your name is NOT on this list (and you want a Medallion), please "email" me ( your name and address so I can add you to the list
Andrew Thompson
Ben Gesch
Bill Wightman
Daryl Hanger
David Mason
David Neilson
Jim Parker
Jim Wesp
Joe Valenzi
Larry Oslund
Lief Zimmerman
Marco Ruga
Maria Parker
Mathew Fyie
Mike Mowett
Neal Brooks
Nick Hrycaj
Peter Ruttan
Rich Hays
Rob Lloyd
Robert Onishi
Terry Duff

Also if you would like to order a special one of a kind 2020 Cruzbike TT Jersey, pre-order via this link They will take about 4 weeks to produce. We need at least 11 ordered to make the minimum
Kind Regards,