Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Hello Tribe,
I have just been informed by the race director for this event that recumbents are welcome to ride.
Event info: http://www.emmittsmithgranfondo.com/event-info.html
That is great news from an event that is following basic UCI rules.

Due to be recently unemployed, I am financially unable to fund this event on my own and am asking for your help.
"Cruzbike Chris" has already graciously offered for anyone riding in the event to stay with him and to transport them to the race: so that helps with cost considerably. Thanks Chris!

What I need to raise:
$484 - Flight from Asheville to Dallas (9/16-9/18/2016)
$150 - Fee to check Vendetta round trip on plane
$135 - Entry fee for Emmitt Smith Century
$769 Total

So, I am putting this out to the Tribe to see if enough people would be willing to fund me for this race/event. The 1st place prize is $10,000, of which I probably have little to no chance of winning due to probable caliber of riders that will be there.
But the real point is to just be there and finish strong with the leaders and show the "Texas World of Cycling" how great recumbents and more specifically Cruzbikes are!

Not that I won't have a plan to break-away and try and win (already preparing a strategy) - so who knows if an old man on a Vendetta could take the field of all those "old fashioned bikes"! You can't win if you don't try though.
If by some miracle I do win, I'll offer to double your contribution back to you, or donate it "3,000 miles to a Cure" on your behalf.

Regardless of what happens, I am convinced that this would be an exceptional event for a Cruzbike to enter and do well in, as there will be thousands looking on. They will hopefully be able to see first hand the wave of the future!

If you can donate towards this cause, please email directly at larryoslund@gmail.com and we can work out the details.

Thanks in advance,

REMINDER: This event is this next Saturday (9/16/2016), so I will need to make a decision very soon and purchase the tickets within the next couple of days. Thanks!


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Of course SuperSlim!
If you have pay-pal, just send it to my email larryoslund@gmail.com (and remember to send as friend, so they don't charge me any fees).
I think pay-pal will do whatever monetary conversion is necessary.


Allow me to echo Zzzore by allowing us to participate and cheer you on. Best of luck!!! You should now have my contribution.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
The Tribe is amazing - Thanks everyone, for your encouragement and your funding.
Your response literally brings tears to my eyes!
I'm hoping to set up some kind of live gps tracker so you want to watch me live on your pc or smart phone if you want.
Stay tuned - hunting for tickets now.. :)


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
OK - stop sending me money! (I've honestly never thought I would say that!) :D:p:eek::rolleyes:;)
But it feels good to do so!

Even with the price of the plane ticket going up $130, and finding out that I have to pay $150 (each way) for the bike, I still have enough.
As I said before - 'The Tribe" is amazing!

Plans so far:
I leave Asheville around 1pm this Thursday, and get to DFW around 4:30pm.
Chris will pick me up and take me to his place.
We will drive the entire route on Friday, and I'll ride the last 25-30 miles to see exactly what I have to deal with at the end.
Race starts at 7am (Central time) on Saturday.
I'll of course video the race, and if I can remember, I'll start a Glimpse session and send a link to it.

Thanks again everyone - It's gonna be a fun weekend!


For all of you that don't know Larry. He is the President Ford of cycling :). He has been known to fall down from time to time.

It's great that the tribe chipped in to send Larry on this ride. You only get to do your first century ride once. I hope you pace yourself and able to ride to the finish.

Just remember, "It's never too late." Go Larry Go.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Larry be sure to fly your safety flag it's dangerous out there on them southern roads... make sure to pull over to the right and let the fast guys go around you.


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
All the best, I know a champ when I see one. They pick themselves up... Brush themselves down, get back on and still win.
All the best Larry and thanks to the tribe for making this happen I was going to try and convince the missus to let me put a bit forward but we are not really in a position to do this but the tribe beat me to it. Nock 'Em dead Lazza (your honourary Australian nickname)