Frito Bandito
Zen MBB Master
I bought a Platypus Convertube which is essentially a long straw with a bite-down nozzle so I can drink directly from my water bottle without having to remove the water bottle from the cage. When not needed I simply run it through the headrest bars where it stays without getting hung up in the spokes. When it is needed, it runs from the bottle, through a gap in teh head rest bars and lays across my chest. I could probably run it through my helmet chin strap but when it is lying on my chest I can't even tell it is there. It comes with 3 tops, 1 of which fits a standard drink bottle, and has a retractable straw that is long enough to reach the bottom of the bottle. The other two tops will allow you to connect it to a standard water bottle, or 1 of those aluminum ones hikers use. When summer comes and I need two 750ml bottles, I will rig up something that will allow me to drink from both without having to swap lids between 2 bottles. 1 thing about it though, when it is lying on your chest, you can sit up a little but it feels a bit like a leash, sitting all the way up might cause it to slip off and hopefully just drag on the ground instead of getting caught in the rear wheel spokes. In the 1st pic you can see it woven through the head rest bars. In the 2nd, you just get on the bike and lay it across your chest. I am not sure which is more aerodynamic, bottles behind the head or under the seat, but I just like the way it looks under the seat.
Also, no one can wait until you to reach your hands up to grab the bottle out of the cage, take a drink and then replace the bottle in the cage while they speed away

Also, no one can wait until you to reach your hands up to grab the bottle out of the cage, take a drink and then replace the bottle in the cage while they speed away