Hi Greg
Regarding the bike box, I've travelled all over with my S40 and V20 on eight separate flights and what I did was as follows:-
Get two standard carboard bike boxes from your local bike shop.
Buy six -seven rolls of duck tape
Check the dimensions, but I do believe the max dimensions that a box can be before it is considered freight is 190 x 75 x 65cm (75 x 29.5 x 25.5in), this is for reference later on.
Cut out an end of both the boxes, then slide one box inside the other. Note the above max length of 190cm.
This is the same for both the V20 and S40, you will need to remove the headrest, headset clamp, seat, chainset, slide the boom in as far as it can go and undo the handlebar bolts and hook the handlebar over the frame.
With the wheels still on the bike, put these in wheel covers. Grab a wheel cover in each hand and lift the bike into the box. You'll find that the whole bike should fit in the box, be sure that the length comes in under 190cm.
For the s40 you'll need to cut out some carboard on top of one of the boxes as the top end of the frame where the headrest goes into sticks out and the top of the fork. For the V20, depending on the height of the box you may find that the top of the fork sticks out so you may have to cut some cardboard out for this.
With the bike in the boxes adjust as necessary leaving a small gap at both ends.
Take the bike out, and being liberal with the duck tape get taping. First you want a series of 'H's at the join of the two boxes. Then wrap the whole box in duck tape both vertically and horizontally. Close the top of the box when taping to keep the box nice and rigid. At the end of this you should have a box with top down, Join taped and the whole thing covered in duck tape.
Cut the top flap of the box and reopen, admire the bike box you have just created, double check it comes in under the dimensions above (which it should)
Lift the bike into the box complete with wheel covers to protect the wheels. By eye with the bike still in the box, cut the openings for the top of the seat and/or the top of the fork for the S40 and V20 respectively. If you do have the top of the frame/fork sticking out be sure to protect these with bubble wrap. I found old socks worked well covering the frame/frame secured with some duck tape.
Fill the box with your stuff, bottles, tools, shoes, helmet etc, Wrap the seat in bubble wrap and pack, like wise for the chainset and headrest although you may want to check this in if you wish separately.
Fill the box with bubblewrap, in particular around the wheels and filling any voids, old newspaper also works well. Re tape down the top flap, put some fragile tape around the box and you should be good to go.
See the pic for when I was at LAX, it was my S40, you can see the top of the frame. fork and the join.
And welcome.