Maria's next record attempt

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
blief.z wrote: slightly off topic but...Can we know/find out when and where Maria will be making her record attempt?
I want to follow as closely as possible.

This will be a 12 hour attempt on a course in North Carolina that we will have surveyed to UCMA protocols. It will be the only such course on the US East Coast I understand.


Well-Known Member
johntolhurst wrote:
blief.z wrote: slightly off topic but...Can we know/find out when and where Maria will be making her record attempt?
I want to follow as closely as possible.

This will be a 12 hour attempt on a course in North Carolina that we will have surveyed to UCMA protocols. It will be the only such course on the US East Coast I understand.

12/24 hours of Sebring Florida occurs in February. Can't remember the exact date.


Guru Schmuru
Cool! I will be keeping my radar up on this.
I wonder if I could somehow swing a visit to my relatives in NC at the same time...hmmmm?

"Hi nice to see you again after so long...I'm gonna go watch somebody I've never met ride their bike in a loop for 12 hours!"

Sounds like fun.

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master

Here's the press release.

Please express your encouragement to Maria on the blog entry I am about to do (left menu).

Thanks for your support!

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
there is the blog entry ... we'll have to see if there is provision for spectators ..


Well-Known Member
I live about 30 miles from White Oak, NC [actually my place of birth], the place where she begins her 20-mile loop. I plan to be there. I have posted a blog article on the event, as well as 2 earlier post [links in today's article] on Maria. I'll publish several more as events unfold.

John Tolhurst, Will you be there?




Guru Schmuru
I am so jealous that you live so close to be able to support this attempt.
If I could I would.

{though nobody more than John Tolhurst I suppose}

Go Maria Go!


Well-Known Member
blief.z wrote: Jim,
I am so jealous that you live so close to be able to support this attempt.
If I could I would.

{though nobody more than John Tolhurst I suppose}

Go Maria Go!
Thanks Blief! I'll attempt to be the eyes of many. I hope to ride the route this weekend or early net week. That, to have a feel for what she is seeing. You need to make that trip to visit relatives. Last year I drove to Seattle to do STP in one day. --jim


Zen MBB Master
Man, sometimes life is simply not fair. We had vacation scheduled for Myrtle Beach that cancelled. Would have been great to stand on the side of the road and cheer!!

Ah well. I'll go ride that day and cheer from the saddle...


Guru Schmuru
Maria and Jim,
I am "riding" your course via GoogleMaps street view.
It looks like a good route; I have only seen one stop sign so far, plenty of good visibility.
There are a few interesting driveways entering the road and some pretty tight "shoulders" on Gum Spring Rd (hwy 1325).
And, seriously, make sure you watch out for those hog trucks and THIS GUY. (


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
jalexartis wrote: John Tolhurst, Will you be there?
Jim, hi.
I will remain in Perth Australia, but I keep looking at going to Taiwan via Hong Kong to catch up on production and then taking the long leg across to California, then to Chicago, then Raleigh. That's five flights over two days, five security checks, five baggage carosels, hmm ... twelve hours jet lagged. And the same on the return. Also, umpteen CO2 emissions is kind of disturbing to me.

Wonder if we can make a conference skype call into Maria's mobile while she is riding - maybe not, don't need any distractions do we?


Well-Known Member
johntolhurst wrote:
jalexartis wrote: John Tolhurst, Will you be there?
Jim, hi.
I will remain in Perth Australia, but I keep looking at going to Taiwan via Hong Kong to catch up on production and then taking the long leg across to California, then to Chicago, then Raleigh. That's five flights over two days, five security checks, five baggage carosels, hmm ... twelve hours jet lagged. And the same on the return. Also, umpteen CO2 emissions is kind of disturbing to me.

Wonder if we can make a conference skype call into Maria's mobile while she is riding - maybe not, don't need any distractions do we?
Hi John, So does your possible trip to Raleigh put you here for the 10th so you can cheer Maria on from anear [it's even a word]. I'm just getting back from riding her route. I'll post to my blog in a few hours. Although Cain's Grill does not have Internet service, I'm hoping to give real-time reports on the 10th. My coordination today was very positive.Now off to uploading so I can post a few articles. If you decide to stop looking and actually fly, I look forward to seeing you in person. --jim


Jim - Thanks for the excellent documentation of the course! 20.07 miles is what my GPS read, too. I saw it on BROL also. The certified distance is 19.994 miles. Great shots of Cain's and the surrounding area. There are a couple of dogs on the course that worry me. Not that they are aggressive and would bite, but might cross into Maria's path and cause a wreck. We've done a couple of test loops with me following in the Chevy, and blowing the horn sent the dogs back to their yard.

Hope to see you on Saturday.



Well-Known Member
JimParker wrote: Jim - Thanks for the excellent documentation of the course! 20.07 miles is what my GPS read, too. I saw it on BROL also. The certified distance is 19.994 miles. Great shots of Cain's and the surrounding area. There are a couple of dogs on the course that worry me. Not that they are aggressive and would bite, but might cross into Maria's path and cause a wreck. We've done a couple of test loops with me following in the Chevy, and blowing the horn sent the dogs back to their yard.

Hope to see you on Saturday.

Hi Jim,

Loose dogs are always a concern. Some will be less interested as you continue to pass, others me better perfect their attack as you continue to present yourself. Fortunately, the roads are not heavily traveled and Maria will indeed be safe for her many laps.

I will see you on Saturday. I plan live blogging [text, pics, & vids] during the course of the day. I'll post a lap tracking table in a few days so the viewers see what to expect. I'll be out of the way so not to interfere with the official activity.



John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
You need to read accurately, we are refering to the record for a recumbent bicycle. One day I'd like to recruit an athelete of the calibre that sets records on upright bikes, this is a step on that path.


Well-Known Member
Please see this post which has a screen capture of the spreadsheet I will use Saturday to give information on Maria's laps. Let me know if any critical data elements are missing. In addition, I'll upload pictures & short videos of her riding and other related occurrences. I also plan to post a few short articles and a few post to this and the 'Bentrider Online Forums. My base for this is my Cycling Experiences... Blog. You will find my pictures and video in my flickr photostream.

I hoping you will pay these sites lots of visits during the course of the day.

The best to Maria Parker and her team.

See you Saturday and you are welcome Jim,

Warm Regards to all.

Jim Artis