Maria's next record attempt

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
Cool mashup page Jim. Its great to have your interest and support. its a strange thing, here is Maria about to attempt a record in NC while diametrically opposite down here in Perth I am grappling with the ergonomic and structure issues to make a bike that is significantly faster than Silvio - with some trade offs of course.

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
Okay, I think we need a little poll on this one. I identified from photos that Maria's nice shoes have pink lips around the toe/sole area and heel/sole area. Who here believes these should be removed for aerodynamic reasons? That little bit of wind resistance that can be reduced - what I would give to be able to reduce the aero signature of the silvio by that amount!

A cruzbike jersey to the poster with the most entertaining and compelling argument for or against. :)

If the winning entry is affirmative for removing the pink lips, our master bike surgeon Doug Burton will be on hand with a variety of appropriate implements. I'll personally order Maria a new pair of shoes and might even put the old ones on ebay!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

PS I'm going to move this thread to a more appropriate forum.


Well-Known Member
johntolhurst wrote: Cool mashup page Jim. Its great to have your interest and support. its a strange thing, here is Maria about to attempt a record in NC while diametrically opposite down here in Perth I am grappling with the ergonomic and structure issues to make a bike that is significantly faster than Silvio - with some trade offs of course.
Thanks John,

Then that means she can break her own record with the Vendetta.

I've been asked to include average speed in the spread sheet. I'm working in it in mph & kmph. Revised sheet will be up later today.

I vote for aero shoes, but do not have the time at the moment to tell you why. I think pool & contest are good. Please post on BROL. I'm sure you will get some interest there. BTW, I posted my announcement above on the Catrike & the RANS Boards




Well-Known Member

I have test times to check the formulas. My only data entry will be time [the time she passes the lap start/finish line. I hope to get the scorer's official time. The remainder is mathematical.

The sheet is a bit wider.

I trust the Parker's will forgive me for the times I use. I'll take the best data available.




Zen MBB Master
johntolhurst wrote: Okay, I think we need a little poll on this one. I identified from photos that Maria's nice shoes have pink lips around the toe/sole area and heel/sole area. Who here believes these should be removed for aerodynamic reasons? That little bit of wind resistance that can be reduced - what I would give to be able to reduce the aero signature of the silvio by that amount!
I believe these are "walking cleats" and are probably easily removable. So, yes, I would vote for removal. I would not suggest she try any new hot-rod shoes though. It is too near the trial to break in a new set...she needs to go with familiar and comfortable.

That said, Miz Maria needs to retain some pink somewhere on the bike. October is "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the signature color is pink. She has a pink jersey...I would be putting big pink-ribbon logos on the wheel covers too.


Guru Schmuru
johntolhurst wrote: the most entertaining and compelling argument for or against. :)

I don't see the forum that this got moved to so I am going to log my argument here.

First, if there is one thing I have learned as a father and the only male in a household of four, you don't mess with a girl's shoes.

Second, and arguably more compelling from a pragmatic point of view:
These little devices may be good for any number of things not the least of which may be walking.
Let's role-play:
Maria is CRUZing at a good 18.5mph average over the first five laps.
As any normally functioning human does, especially one that has ingested that much gatorade, she has to use the facilities. (Let's not even examine the possibility of doing that on the bike and ASSUME that she will be getting off the bike to walk a short distance.)
She is in a little bit of a rush, because she has a good time going.
She is feeling good, no pain, just a full bladder.
She tic-tacs onto the tile floor (or plastic if she is so unlucky) with her shoes which Mr. I Void Warranties has only recently de-clawed...and she slips and falls and hurts herself.
Heavens no! I am not jinxing anything, I am merely making a point.

The question I pose is this: Is the small, incremental, and arguably indeterminate amount of aero-dynamic gain made by removing those pink things worth the chance that she slips and falls without her pink gummie toe/heel grips? I think not. (And I am going to pre-empt any post-race supposition by saying WHATEVER happens on the ride it won't be because she DIDN'T agree to take those things off.)

Yet ANOTHER point to be made in the form of a joke:
  • The optimist says that the glass is half full.
  • The pessimist says that the glass is half empty.
  • The engineer says that the glass is too big.
  • The mother of a small child says 'it's perfect'.

And finally, at this stage of the game we shouldn't be getting inside Maria's head with our engineering minds of what *could* be. Right now, in my opinion, change is bad.
Maximize what we have, (which you have already done exceedingly well I might add - nutrition, fitness, training runs, bike is in great shape, course is well planned), and turn the girl loose to wreak her havoc on the record.

Go Maria Go![/]


Guru Schmuru
What a ride indeed!
20 minutes left, I am glued to cyclingexperiences website, loving the updates, loving the pictures.

Maria if a bunch of people that you have never met can be proud of you, that would be us!
Way to go!

Go Maria Go!


Well-Known Member
blief.z wrote: What a ride indeed!
20 minutes left, I am glued to cyclingexperiences website, loving the updates, loving the pictures.

Maria if a bunch of people that you have never met can be proud of you, that would be us!
Way to go!

Go Maria Go!
Hi Blief.Z,
It must be all over now! Is there a twitter page some where? There aren't too many posts on Jim's cycling experiences site just at the moment, but it would appear Maria has covered about 240miles. Any updates?

John R