Thanks, Larry. I'm just having fun with the DF riders. Most of them have no idea how fast a V is. I think that none of them have ever heard of a V. This is an ego destroyer for a strong DF rider. Too bad most cyclists are stuck in the DF paradigm (as was I). You could call "blowing up DF riders" a form of "tough love".

Seriously though, in my humble opinion (after riding a DF for many years and putting up with the "ass hatchet" pain), I have come to the conclusion that this is the future of road cycling. It is really no different than all the other aspects of a bike that roadies try to optimize. Such as: aero wheels, carbon wheels, ultralight tubes, tubeless tires, using a chain drive for efficiency of power transfer, carbon frame, aero seat post, carbon seat post, aero water bottles, carbon handlebars, titanium parts, light shoes and pedals, tight clothing, lightweight aero helmet, weighing parts down to the gram, and bending over as far a possible to reduce drag. So if lean back a little and put my feet up (and maybe watch a movie?) is that cheating? (According to the UCI, it is.) Or, is it a major technological advance in the evolution of human-powered cycling? Maybe the DF dinosaurs will one day become extinct. I now have none of the medical issues common to DF riders, I'm extremely comfortable for long distances, and I go fast like the wind. I'm back to enjoying cycling instead of feeling the pain. But, I sure do like to watch them blow up in the mirrors! Bonus!