Tacx Neo hack:
If you are using a Neo trainer and a Cruzbike with disk brakes, the disk brake caliper contacts the Neo housing so you have to unbolt the caliper each time you want to attach the bike.
You can swap the short and long legs on the Neo to fix this.
Here is the Neo with the cover removed:
To swap the short and long legs, carefully push out the pivot pin on each leg. Make sure there is no weight on the leg when you do this.
Then swap the legs and push the pivot pin back in. It can be tricky to re-insert the pin. Squeezing the latch removes spring tension and makes it easier.
Pushing the pivot pin back into place may also be done using a rubber mallet (the preferred solution?).
Re-install the plastic covers (all 30-something screws) and you are done. No more unbolting the caliper to put it on the trainer.