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  1. MrSteve

    Cool Weather

    I thought of our friends living in the Southern Hemisphere.... Zombie Duck pecked a hole through 3" of ice for its morning swim.
  2. MrSteve

    Fast Uphill Fun

    This afternoon I took a modern carbon-fibre framed road bike out for a short spin around the block. It was this model, equipped with this gruppo: SRAM Rival, I think. The acceleration was immediate. What made me smile was how quickly, how smartly this feather-light machine, with...
  3. MrSteve

    Cruzbike Recumbents Vs Other Recumbents

    The, "standard bike V. recumbent thread" is interesting and fun, but it's mostly about apples V. oranges. My contribution is, I think, at least as interesting: Cruzbike recumbents are, in my experience, superior to other recumbents. I know, Cruzbike makes recumbents and only...
  4. MrSteve

    Sofrider Top Speed(s)

    Hey, the Silvio riders started this! I know that the speed topic will be sewed-up by you Vendetta riders, but speed is relative! And fun. The fastest I have ever pedaled my Sofrider V1 was, hmmm... years ago now... but it was significantly quicker than 40 miles per hour, down a...
  5. MrSteve

    Fall Ride

    We were tramping about our yard yesterday, planning where to plant our plants that need planting this Fall. I must have looked like I would rather be riding, because my girlfriend said, "go on, go for a ride!" How did she know? It was a cloudless, calm and clear day. 68 degrees F...
  6. MrSteve

    Sofrider Rides, V1.2 and V1.3

    A cold, rainy spell is on it's way. So, while the Fall weather was holding temps. in the high 70s F. this week, I've been getting as many rides in as I could! One of my riding routes is comprised of mixed hilly country roads and rolling two-lane highways. I like it because the hills...
  7. MrSteve

    Forum Problem

    Cannot view individual posts to the forum today... yet I can see new posts appearing. Is it just me? -Steve
  8. MrSteve

    Sofrider V1 Mods

    This handlebar is working well for me. It was cheap and it fits! I do not recommend this modification if you are not fully competent on your bike. Why? -There is no room to put your knees anywhere but between the drops; -There is not enough leverage to steer the bike...
  9. MrSteve

    My latest Interception

    The day after building my new, radically reclined seat for my Sofrider V1, I rode it two miles to Frontage Road to test it. Frontage Road is... a frontage road which runs parallel with a four-lane controlled-access highway, a freeway. On the other side of Frontage Road is a railway...
  10. MrSteve

    First Ride (This Year, 2012)

    Everything lined up for my first ride: -weather in the low 70's Fahrenheit and, -time to ride while the Winter Sun was high (minimising glare). My Sofrider V1 did a great job keeping me in shape during the cold months, while it was mounted on the trainer. The only wrinkle to riding...
  11. MrSteve

    Rare Sighting

    The set up: The weather is beautiful here. Calm. Clear. 85F. this morning and, it being Sunday, just Church traffic, out-and-about. Oh, and with the T.D.F. (Tour de France) live coverage, the Club riders were at home. Irresistable! So, I went out for a quick ride: quick...
  12. MrSteve

    Hwy 101 ride from Canada to Mexico Sept 2012

    Here's what I found out about cycling on the California freeway system. (Hwy. 101 is a freeway!): ----- Q Can I ride my bicycle on the freeway? A. Of the more than 4,000 miles of freeways in California, about 1,000 miles are open to bicyclists. These open sections are usually in rural...
  13. MrSteve

    Scottish Conversion 2011

    Your bike is looking good: good work! :) Reclining the seat back past a certain point -and that angle will be specific to you- does affect both your pedaling and pedaling power, among other things. With your seat reclined past that point, I've found that the only way to restore both pedaling...
  14. MrSteve

    Ego Boost

    Ego Busted So here it is, almost a year later... the local riding season is -intermittently- here. After a four month layoff and at least ten pounds heavier than I was last Fall, I took the Sofrider off of the trainer and went for an actual ride. As is my nature, I pedaled as fast as I could...
  15. MrSteve

    Was a bad boy

    It's good to be bad! ;)
  16. MrSteve

    Recumbent Monorail - City people mover?

    Awesome! I did not notice how the pods adjust for different X-seams? :D
  17. MrSteve

    Handlebar got bent, what now?

    It's a steel part, so it'll hold your repair -bending it back into shape. But first, before you bend it, remove it from the bike: you don't want to bend anything else! -Steve
  18. MrSteve

    Nice People

    The title, "Nice People" is a blatant lie. You knew that, right? :? There. I can be as sarcastic as anyone... even you! :lol: My first thought after having read your account was, "I'm glad Mark wasn't armed!" Ride on, Mark. Ride on! -Steve
  19. MrSteve

    new and improuved giant cruzbike

    That's- :o :shock: -You nailed the Silvio seat angle. It's looking very, very nice. Now you've done it: I'm keeping my eye out for suitable donor frames.... Great job, so far! -Steve