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  1. ratz

    Fun bike video thread.

    After and long week and not riding this was fun
  2. ratz

    Zwift - Crubike beginners guide and how to's (Q&A to get you going)

    Zwift is catching on. Obviously. But the barrier to entry is still pretty high. Why ? Well because There's no great source of brief instructions to the whole eco-system that I can find. So that's what this thread is for. So we can get you to enage in the 8-seconds before you loose interest...
  3. ratz

    What I did Today to prepare for Sebring 2018

    In honor of the snow predicted from Friday it's time For some winter fun..... This will be the "We" are training for Sebring 2018 thread. If you did something today to prepare for Sebring 2018 go a head and post it here. Sort of a motivation / accountability journal for everyone working toward...
  4. ratz

    Qty 2 - Kickr version1 For Sale

    Argh we need to solve a noise problem. We have our two beloved Kickr version 1's in the basement (both have been upgraded to version 2 power measuring mode via the brake for increase accuracy). But alas they are too loud. My folks will be here for over month in December and the trainers are...
  5. ratz

    The Cadence Conversations

    Ok I'm going to open the winter keyboard racing season and encourage people to debate this topic and to keep it civil. Disagree, point, counter point. But be respectful of all points of view. The V20 encourage a big gear and a slow cadence; you have to actively work to spin. Anyone that's...
  6. ratz

    Fall flip season is here. Q451 and S2.1-Di2

    Just a heads up for people that have asked about my next used bike sale. I'm getting ready to build up two T50's and some S40 secret stuff is approaching. So I need room in the Stable; I'm out of floor space. Some time in the next few days I'll get the details up for the sale of 3 bikes. Qty...
  7. ratz

    Blue and Gold ......

    This..... and This...... And least we forget this....
  8. ratz

    Couch to Bike - Sebring 2018 Training Program

    Ok here it is, I know you've been just itching to have it. This years Sebring training program. I decided that this year there wasn't reall a need for a new training plan for the hard core riders. Last years is fine and dandy; ** you could pair it with the plan from this post. Ride this one...
  9. ratz

    Team Cruzbike RAAM 2017 - As Seen on Facebook

    Because Facebook can be a big old hot mess at times here is your one stop shop to RAAM 2017 the Cruzbike Team June 17th, 2017: Cruzbike Crew Gets Rolling! June 17th, 2017: Pre-race meeting - Video June 17th, 2017: PreRace Interviews - Video June 17th, 2017: Start of Race - Video June 18th...
  10. ratz

    RAAM time to spread the word again about 3000 miles to a cure

    As Larry starts his tapper and I start to pack up all the RAAM gear it's time to spread the word about all the hard work people have been putting into this effort. There are two teams racing this year; 4dudes and the Crubike team. Right those 4dudes are killing us on the donation smack down...
  11. ratz

    New To Cruzbike and your T50?

    New Cruzbikers with a T50 on hand or waiting for delivery? First, welcome to the forum, introduce yourself and head over here and tell us what you are planning with your T50. Second, Go here and study up on...
  12. ratz

    T50 - whatcha planning to build.....

    Ok so a whole bunch of people grabbed a T50 frame kit today. This is the "What are we going to do with them thread?" Share your plans and inspire everyone else with grand plan. Or keep it secret and tease people. I've got the his and her black frame kits coming; and I'm debating between just...
  13. ratz

    Garmin 1000 bundle $375

    Posting here; for a couple days, then off to BROL and EBAY. We are going to be testing the Wahoo Bolt's all season and with the addition of the new power meters we have some ideal tech that really should find a new how rather than collect dust. These Garmin 1000's are in pristine condition...
  14. ratz

    Kickr v1 users upgrade to Kickr 2 accuracy for free.

    The following will dramatically improve the power accuracy of you Kickr version 1; do this to yours and pass along to anyone you know with a Kickr 1. I have verified this on both our Kickr over several days of testing. The process is easy and it works as advertised. Summary On Feb 3rd, Release...
  15. ratz

    T50 - Everyone likes a bike you can kick start

    Ok my fellow fanati..... err Tribe Members. The T50 is coming along and if you've been paying attention to the hints it's going to be a kick starter campaign. Yes we love our little corner of the world over here in Cruzlandia where we speak Austrl-nglish and worry about how to go .001 mph...
  16. ratz

    Quest deal of the week on BROL

    Has to be the best price on a used / unused Quest to be seen in a while.
  17. ratz

    It's Mallet Season

    Hide your Wallets Boyz and Girls; it is officially Mallet build season. I have some stuff cooked up for this build think of it an "enhancements" 101... mini builds. Parts be arriving even on Saturday. Look away if you can, but you know you'll be back. I have some things for those on a budget...
  18. ratz

    New Favorite Bike Shorts

    Ok the quest for a descent men's biking short that works well on a recumbent has officially found a new contender. Pearl Izumi Elite In-R-Cool tri shorts's/Apparel/Bottoms/Shorts/Men's_ELITE_In-R-Cool®_LTD_Tri_Short/p/13111304 If you've met me...
  19. ratz

    2017 Race and Event Season

    Races TX RAAM Challenge 200/400 March 24-26 2017 Bessies Creek 24 April 6-8th 2017 SOCAL RAAM Challenge 200/400 May 12-14 2017 National 24 Hour Challenge June 17, 2017 MN RAAM Challenge 200/400 August 5-7 2017 Mid Atlantic Challenge Series 100,12hr,24hr Aug 19th 2017 Targeting team of 5 or...
  20. ratz

    The Road to Sebring, Around Sebring and Back again - Part 1

    The Road to Sebring, Around Sebring and back again. If you are looking for a race report you probably should look elsewhere. I am only ever interested in measuring myself against myself and my self-perceived limitations; and this trip was not even about that. But it was fun none the less. So…...