Search results

  1. ratz

    I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now, A V20c design journal

    Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for some fun....... Coming soon to a forum near you after a 7-year hiatus, I will hopefully make your self-build self-optimization options a tad bit easier. It's Time...... I am going to build the 2023 version of Marteau 2.0 on the V20c platform. When I...
  2. ratz

    Cruzbike School is open again

    The Q20 is still the best trainer ever..... Have the bike and the correct place to teach people; and well it's a lot warmer down here . That was 10 minutes into class
  3. ratz

    V20 Looking good 7 years later

    Ok since the Silvio 2.0 got some love had to do the same for the V20, even if she's 2.5 years younger, she needed new bar tap, brifter covers and a good cleaning. Last time she was on the road it end in a crash, and I haven't treated her well since that day (COVID arrived weeks later)
  4. ratz

    Silvio 2.0 Looking as good as new

    After five years of pretty much idle and moving to the other side of the country, the Silvio 2.0 got some long overdue TLC: New Cont GP 5000 tubeless shoes for her rims, a freshly waxed chain, Electrical tape replaced with lizard skins, new brifter hoods to replace the ones that melted down to...
  5. ratz

    MAF Training 2023

    The question came up on the other thread; What am I doing in particular with MAF and my return from the brink of Self-inflicted Diabetes or whatever the heck made my Dr. Scare the crap out of me. So here's the MAF training thread for 2023 This thread will be a journal for people to use as they...
  6. ratz

    Stop paying attention for 4 years and boom

    Well I got a quick lesson this week about what @Robert Holler has been dealing with on the parts front Since Covid 1. 11-speed is dead from a competent standpoint if you want SRAM wireless electronic shifting, get a new bike and new wheels 2. If you want spare parts to repair damage from the...
  7. ratz

    Innovators workshop back in business

    One bike from each generation of my journey no excuses now
  8. ratz

    Working my way back (third time is the charm)

    Well then it's a been a long journey. Seems like I can't do anything the easy way. Moving across the US, COVID, Business issues and a 2 year struggle with heart issues, and this little thing where we turned my Dad into a Cyborg (more on that later) have had me a so distracted. But armed with a...
  9. ratz

    Find Forum Members on Zwift

    This is the Jason trick for setting names in Zwift. Set your firstname to be ".First LastName" or whatever you go but for things like IRL or Zwift power. In your Lastname put the Handle you want to go by and be seen. Add "CBR" for Cruzbike Rider/Racing if you want to be easy to spot to forum...
  10. ratz

    Something to listen to while your ride

    Fresh opinions and somewhat brash. Good listen
  11. ratz

    Zwift Group workout Sunday 5/3/2020

    Description of what this is: Group Work out: Sunday 5/3/2020 Aerobic Base 1:45 minutes session; 1:30 minute workout. Location: Sand and Sequoias Zwift workout file attached. Reply with your Zwift rider name so you can be...
  12. ratz

    Zwift Group workout Friday 5/1/2020

    Description of what this is: Group Work out: Friday 5/1/2020 Aerobic Base 75 minute session; 60 minute workout. Location: Road to Ruins Zwift workout file attached. Reply with your Zwift rider name so you can be invited
  13. ratz

    Zwift Group workout 4/26/2020

    Group Work out: Tempo Time 1:45 minutes session; 1:30 minute workout. Location: Watopia Flat Route Zwift workout file attached.
  14. ratz

    CBR - Zwift Group Meetups

    I'm going to lead 1 or 2 of these each week. If others want to lead workouts and need the workout files built contact me. First here are the instructions for doing group workouts To schedule a workout / meetup ride (you technically don't...
  15. ratz

    Texas time Trials or Bust - Whose gonna join me

    Discounted Fee Deadline: Monday, Apr 13, 2020 at 12:01 AM CT. View Full Fees Online Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Sep 15, 2020 at 11:59 PM CT Ok for those that have not heard. Team Pankratz is moving to Austin Texas this summer; or that's the plan and after 2 years of making it real we are in...
  16. ratz

    If you comeback do it with flare

    So..... Yeah I went around a corner and got lost in work. Along the way I got fat. +50lbs Now I'm on the way back -35lbs After someone handed me a map Prior to all the COVID stuff I was going to hold off on the bike training until I got all the way back down. Now I'm...
  17. ratz

    PowerTap P1 pedals

    Upgrade season is here: I have 2 sets of these available. Power Tap P1 Single Sided Power Meter Pedals. (Left power only) RRP: $599.99 Usually available $445.99 These: $325 ea pair. USPS shipping included. Never been outdoors only used on the Trainer inside.
  18. ratz

    Working back into it

    It's been awhile folks. I hope everyone had a good riding season in the north and a good training season in the south. I managed 1 outdoor ride this season. It's been a long road of business, kids, and poorly timed off the bike injuries (shoulder and ankle at 4 month intervals). I had to...