Search results

  1. Gromit

    SOLD - UK - Sofrider V2 no longer for sale in the UK

    Re: UK - Sofrider V2 for sale in the UK Did you incorporate the extra mudguard bridge fitting under the front of the carrier Jon? Helps to cut down on any rattles. :)
  2. Gromit

    Cruzbike-a cure for midlife crisis?

    I didn't assemble my Sofrider but apparently one thing to look out for is a back-to-front seat bracket. They loosely fits the bracket to the frame at the factory as they know that the new owner may need to adjust it for leg length/body size but sometimes they slap it on back-to-front. The...
  3. Gromit

    SOLD - UK - Sofrider V2 no longer for sale in the UK

    Now sold! Cruzbike Sofrider V2 for sale in the UK. Picture below. About 18 months old but hasn't been used for regular commuting just evening and weekend rides. Fitted with useful accessories such as mudguards and a pannier rack. Rack top bag and panniers could be included in the sale if...
  4. Gromit

    SOLD - UK - Sofrider V2 no longer for sale in the UK

    Re: UK - Sofrider V2 for sale in the UK Here are some detail pictures of the pannier rack and its attachment to the frame. Click the pictures to enlarge them The design was inspired by Jon B. Thanks Jon :) Offers? :)
  5. Gromit

    Bigger chainwheel

    Re: biger chainwheel As you know. Small changes at the Rohloff sprocket are equivalent to much larger changes at the chainwheel. How many teeth has your existing hub gear sprocket? How many teeth would you need to have to achieve your ideal set of gear ratios? I'm sure that you've already...
  6. Gromit

    Bigger chainwheel

    A bit more info about your bike might be helpful perhaps. ;) :) Freerider yes? V1 or V2? Early V2? Hence a single chainwheel right? The latest ones have a double chainwheel. Is there a maker's name and model on the cranks? You have fitted a Rohloff, haven't you? So I guess that it is a...
  7. Gromit

    MBB Lowracer

    Pictures of the finished version of the MBB Lowracer are now on BentRider Online and Zockra, the manufacturer's website. Looks very smart. :)
  8. Gromit

    Tom's Build

    I tend to agree with Jon. Regarding Mark's comment. I wonder if someone at Cruzbike "fettled" the earlier batch of Silvio frames. This thing with the rear brake cable is a bit strange too. The Cruzbike website clearly states that the Campagnolo kit includes the cable. "long brake cable (to...
  9. Gromit

    Luggage - High or Low on a Cruzbike?

    John T I assume that the above is your response to Jon B. Do you still reckon that luggage is best placed higher rather than lower on a Cruzbike? As in the quote from you which I copied from another thread? See my first post in this thread.
  10. Gromit

    Luggage - High or Low on a Cruzbike?

    I'm pleased that you may have found the answer to your problems Jon. :D So has anyone else any opinion on whether luggage should be mounted high or low on a Cruzbike? :?: I'm still after advice on whether to remove my swinging arm mounted rack and attach a bag to the seat back. What...
  11. Gromit

    Midrack - this is how it is done

    Just remembered seeing this carrier system on an HP Velotechnik Streetmachine. Does the above give you any inspiration Jon? :)
  12. Gromit

    Luggage - High or Low on a Cruzbike?

    Interesting thoughts Jon. I wonder if you are compensating for the offset weight distribution of the bag in the same way that you might do if you were riding in a strong crosswind. Of course in a crosswind, the area of the bag presented to the wind might also have an effect on your leaning...
  13. Gromit

    Luggage - High or Low on a Cruzbike?

    Conventional bike wisdom (diamond-frame) seems to says that luggage should be kept as low as possible. Does this advice apply to the Cruzbike? Discuss? :) Why am I asking this question? I went with the conventional advice that low is better on my Sofrider and mounted a pannier rack on my...
  14. Gromit

    Midrack - this is how it is done

    Rixen & Kaul Klickfix Pannier Rails. I have those on my Altura panniers too. I find them very secure.
  15. Gromit

    Midrack - this is how it is done

    Supplementary questions Jon, following on from Mark's. Does the bag move much on bends? Swing out to left? Do you have another similar bag? Firstly to centralise the load and secondly so that you could tie the two bags together. The tie could also assist by helping to hold the bags down onto...
  16. Gromit

    Softrider V2 with rear disc brake

    Drag brake on long descents? :) A disk brake is less likely to overheat. Here is a link to some info on how to fit a rear disk on a Sofrider or Freerider. Couldn't find the thread that Jon contributed to. Sorry! :cry:
  17. Gromit

    Read this today!

    Link to informational flyer below
  18. Gromit

    Silvio on 1200km ride across Tibet

    Jon I think that it is this You Tube video at about the one minute mark? It is the "Cruzbike Features" video linked from the Cruzbike official site.
  19. Gromit

    Strapless Toe Clips / Power Grips

    As promised, here are some pictures of the MKS Ezy pedals which I'm now using on my Sofrider V2. The yellow plastic C-shaped ring fits between the Ezy pedal adaptor and the crank arm and acts as a safety feature to prevent inadvertent operation of the quick release. My Sofrider has Truvativ...
  20. Gromit

    Silvio on 1200km ride across Tibet

    I've never been on a supported ride myself but as I understand it, the organisers carry your luggage for you and provide all of the meals et cetera on route. So I guess that Super Slim would just need to take hydration on the Silvio.