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  1. defjack

    Ridiculous fast learning curve, and my theories why

    After a unicycle anything else is easy welcome to the group. Jack
  2. defjack

    Riding with the Big Boys (and girls)

    Sounds like a intresting weekend Mark. I know I feel pretty good even after a long ride on my Silvio even at my age. I think a lot of that extra power is coming from the upper body. Jack
  3. defjack


    Use a small amount of Plumbers Goop It works great.I ran a thin bead on the inside of strip problem solved. Jack
  4. defjack

    Suspension and Ride

    Check out my Cannondale Cruzbike.Its a hardtail and rides pretty good.Im using 1.25 80lb Forte city sliks front and back and its only a little slower than the Silvio.The only problem I see with some hardtails is the frame design puts the seat too high.Mine is 29in which is about the limit for...
  5. defjack

    SoCal Riders

    I think we need a few more So Cal owners fo our own stuff. We should plan a ride before it gets too hot. Jack