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  1. defjack

    Brewmaster Report

    I just yell coming through and they move over most of the time. Jack
  2. defjack

    March So Cal Cruzbike ride

    I say Yorba linda around 8. Is that ok for everyone?
  3. defjack

    March So Cal Cruzbike ride

    21 st is ok Jack
  4. defjack

    Rack vs. Bag

    I leave the bags on all the time and never had them hit the wheels.The water bottle cages do help some.
  5. defjack

    March So Cal Cruzbike ride

    Open to anyone.We can set a date after a few more replies im open for all march.
  6. defjack

    March So Cal Cruzbike ride

    Anyone intrested in doing a Santa Ana river ride in march?
  7. defjack

    change your shift cables

    My derailer cable was well over a year old so it was time for a new one.Pulled the old one and found a broken strand so I got lucky. Jack
  8. defjack

    Poor Man's Silvio?

    It looks like there are a lot of nice donor frames around that use 24 in wheels.Look forward to your brake mount pic. The bike must be a lot lighter than the Mongoose. Jack
  9. defjack


    Got the riding position of the Giant pretty close to the Silvio.Its holding up ok so far. I beefed up the headtube enough so there is no flex.The only downside is the extra weight. Jack
  10. defjack

    Dark beer

    Im going to see what Trader Joes has today. Jack
  11. defjack

    Poor Man's Silvio?

    Looks good Mark.I like those small frames. Jack
  12. defjack

    Silvio Newcomer

    You can see my triple set up with the new booms on page 2 of Silvio.look for new booms. My x seam is 42. Jack
  13. defjack

    New Forum

    Looks OK just joined up. Jack
  14. defjack

    16" wheel conversion (f-frame moulton)

    Its just the learning curve relax as much as possible.I did a Downtube NS with 20in wheels and it was stable enough even on 30 mph downhill runs. The first few rides on any bent can be a handful. How about some pictures. JACK
  15. defjack

    Showing off @ LBS...

    Im looking for another frame now. Jack
  16. defjack

    Qring update

    Check out the Rotor website for information.They are elliptical chain rings.I got a set to take a little pressure off my knees. Jack
  17. defjack

    new and improuved giant cruzbike

    Bike is alumunum im going to fill the whole triangle with wood and glass. It should be a lot stiffer then. Thanks for all the input. Jack
  18. defjack

    new and improuved giant cruzbike

    I will be glassing the plywood to each end of the top tube and along the bottom tube. It should be rigid enough then but I will be taking it easy to see how it holds up. Jack
  19. defjack

    new and improuved giant cruzbike

    Did this with Birch plywood and West system epoxy.Its not finished yet so this is a quick look. Jack
  20. defjack

    Dark beer

    I like like the seating position on the Silvio that I have been working all week making the Giant into a mini Silvio. Stay tuned.Jack