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  1. defjack

    Planning Ahead

    A leaning delta trike back end would be nice. Jack
  2. defjack

    Another great weekend of riding

    Sounds like good weekend of riding I didn't ride too much but did ride up one hill I have had to walk before.Might be getting stronger as far as speed goes 25 on flat no wind never 30. I can only hold 18-19.Guess you will have to slow down next time we ride. Jack
  3. defjack

    Homebrew Silvio Computer Mount

    Thats pretty good Mark.I just mount mine on the bars and dont have any trouble turning the bike over.Johns right on with the flat fix its pretty easy once you have do it a few times but im a slow learner. Jack
  4. defjack

    Origin 8 bars

    Posted an update picture on how much clearance these bars give you. Jack
  5. defjack

    Cruiser bars

    The bike rides great and their is no butt pain at all. I really like the whole package. Rode it today and was going 14 to 22 on level beach path about as fast as the Silvio. Jack
  6. defjack

    Cruiser bars

    Cruiser bars are one solution to knee clearance problems.These are from Electra with 2 1/2 in cut off a little too much but they work. Jack
  7. defjack

    Chain jumping sleuthing

    You can also try reversing the stem and lay that seat back.You want to get the bars away from your knees. Worked for me. Jack
  8. defjack

    Silvio Gallery

    Heres mine -Zero Lite wheels.Ultegra brifters,9 speed 11-25 triple 30-42-53 in front,Radical Design panner bags. Origin 8 bars Jack
  9. defjack

    Silvio and Climbing

    Do you mean really steep climbs?Under normal road conditions I only break the tire loose if I use too much power starting out on some steeper stuff.I dont get alot of that but do have plenty of lite sand especialy around the corners.I have yet to loose traction no matter how stupid I ride.Thats...
  10. defjack

    Seat recline

    You should post a picture it might help someone.I would like to see more conversions with reclined seats. Jack
  11. defjack

    Seat recline

    I like my seats reclined so here are my seat setups. Jack
  12. defjack

    Best tires for Silvio?

    Thanks Mark I will try the Gatorskins.Just know im going to get some flake from my riding buddy. Jack
  13. defjack

    Best tires for Silvio?

    The Continental ultra sport tires on my Silvio need replacing soon any ideas out there? I dont want to break the bank. I see Performance has Gatorskins for 35$ but the guy I ride with in Chula Vista had sidewall problems with his . Jack
  14. defjack

    Ridiculous fast learning curve, and my theories why

    After a unicycle anything else is easy welcome to the group. Jack
  15. defjack

    Two Silvios endure a 273 mile bike tour of Texas Hill Cntry

    Brian you have a primo place to ride and kayak. Nice report.Im spending my retirement time kayak fishing and bike riding. If gas was cheaper I would take a trip out there. Jack
  16. defjack

    Riding with the Big Boys (and girls)

    Sounds like a intresting weekend Mark. I know I feel pretty good even after a long ride on my Silvio even at my age. I think a lot of that extra power is coming from the upper body. Jack
  17. defjack

    Pulling the trigger

    I got my Ultegra stuff and Zero lite wheels used off Ebay for around 600$. Jack